Posted on Apr 8, 2016
What is most important to your organization—mission, core values or vision?
Responses: 12
COL Mikel J. Burroughs great post, I would rank values, vision an mission. My thought process is to have strong convictions on right/wrong, the end-state/purpose and the mission. I guess its like a well oiled engine in a BMW sports car built for speed.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL It is really a "gut" call or perception by each individual leader on what is most important - from day one we are all taught that the Mission First and Soldier Always! So how do you separate that and break it down. In order to complete the missions assigned you need to have a team that truly believes and lives by their values and you have to have a leader that provides a vision of success and purpose for the organization, which in turn leads to constant mission success. I personally think that any of those ingredients are missing a particular mission could fail! I've seen it first hand through my years of experience and when you peel back the onion - guess what - there was a core value issue or a lack of leadership vision! Thanks for your feedback Joe!
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