Posted on Apr 2, 2016
CW2 Information Services Technician
Recently took a DA Photo for the upcoming board and is my first look. Wanted to see if I could get some honest opinions.
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 14
LTC Kevin B.
I think the photo looks just fine. If someone is going to quibble about the length of your hair (which is clearly within regulation), or a small wrinkle here or there, or a fraction of an inch on a sleeve, then they are going to keep looking until they find something. I sat on a selection board once and as long as someone didn't look overweight or have some glaring problem, people focused on your performance record. The biggest issues with the photos were looking overweight, having a bushy mustache, or having a 5 o'clock shadow. Having awards that didn't match your file was also problematic, but we didn't have that much time to audit every little thing in your record against what's on your photo. Spending too much time on that came at the expense of looking deeper into your performance record. The performance record is much more important than your appearance, in my opinion.
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SSG Section Chief
Allow the infantry to where their blue cord and discs like the old days.
SGM Matthew Quick
SGM Matthew Quick
>1 y
How does this relate to this topic?
2LT Brian L.
2LT Brian L.
>1 y
... promote ahead of peers
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
Your right sleeve should be pulled down slightly, the left appears one inch above the thumb knuckle the right does not. In any case they should be at the same place regardless of measurement. As the Maj. recommended regarding unit awards. Your hair is well groomed however, since you may take an ew photo you could put some dry groomer as the front of your hair appears like locks. I am guessing you have wavy or curly hair, your uniform fits well and the accoutrements are well placed.

Good luck
CW2 Information Services Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
>1 y
I see what you are saying about the sleeves not being in the same place on both sides. That was something I did not notice beforehand and yes I am tracking my hair. Next time I will get my top cut shorter to get of the locks. I have never heard of dry groomer though, I usually put fiber in my hair. I do not have wavy or curly hair but it may be because I have a widows peak.

Thank you for the suggestions and I will see if I can take another photo before the board file closes.
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