Posted on Apr 1, 2016
Should the Army consider adopting MOS selection like the other branches?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 8
The Coast Guard has a program in which a candidate enlists and spends their first year learning basic seamanship, and scoping out the different jobs available to them, then they "strike" or compete for whatever job they find most interesting. The Navy allows people to enlist as "undesignated seamen" and strike for a job after basic training. I wish I had been given the opportunity to enlist and learn more about the different jobs in the Army before I made my choice. I have heard so many people in the Army that were unsatisfied with their jobs because they had bad information or just didn't understand what the job entailed before they enlisted for it. I think being able to come in as a generalist, then pick your specialty later would do wonders for retention.
SPC (Join to see)
I love how people keep saying "you knew what you were getting into when you signed the contract". Truth is, some things have to be seen to be believed.
SSG(P) (Join to see) - I hate to answer a question with a question. But... How do you see the other service branches conducting MOS selection that so great varies from the Army? For the enlisted Marine, the ASVAB scores are assessed; and based upon one's performance on that test, the recruit is given a list of opportunities from which to chose. For those that skip this selection ("Open Contract") or perform poorly, the choices are made on their behalf based upon the "needs of the Corps." Officer MOS selection is similar --again based upon performance at The Basic School. At the end of the day, you can count on working less & less in you MOS as you progress through the ranks. And co-lateral billets will, at some point, take you entirely out of your field. Bottom line suggestion: If you don't like what you are doing, bust your back to improve yourself --and your position. Compared to the civilian world, the Army (and other branches) have an unparalleled way of rewarding those who perform --regardless of MOS.
So, you want the Army to choose your job for you? I'm pretty sure they already do that, in a sense, when they show you the jobs you qualify for. I mean, do you really want to sit there in the MEPS station and be told that you will only get to be Fueler when you have the skills and quals to be a pilot?
SSG(P) (Join to see)
Oh they can get you the job you want Ssg it's all about who helps you assign and how you play your cards.
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