Posted on Mar 26, 2016
Have the GWOT vets become the entitlement culture they claim to hate?
I was involved in quite the Internet battle yesterday evening. At one point my family was even threatened (by a SSG). This was over a company I support. One of their customers had an issue so he had all of his buddies attack the business leaving tasteless reviews and slander. Much of the slander was in regards to "screwing a soldier". The fact that these guys served gave them some sense of entitlement.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 64
Unfortunately we service members are a sample of our population as a whole. Including idiots.
SCPO Jason McLaughlin
1LT William Clardy -
If you look at the unskilled labor historical context it is there. It is everywhere if you google unskilled labor. What the SPC seems to not understand is that I put unskilled in quotes in my original post because I don't necessarily believe that factory labor is unskilled. He just decided to get on a soapbox and take an opportunity to bash me and my past without any facts instead of actually understand what I am trying to say.
If you look at the unskilled labor historical context it is there. It is everywhere if you google unskilled labor. What the SPC seems to not understand is that I put unskilled in quotes in my original post because I don't necessarily believe that factory labor is unskilled. He just decided to get on a soapbox and take an opportunity to bash me and my past without any facts instead of actually understand what I am trying to say.
1LT William Clardy
SCPO Jason McLaughlin, factory work has always been a mix of skilled and unskilled labor, with the unskilled workers resorting to unions and guilds to obtain the job security that the skilled workers have. Your use of unskilled when mentioning factory work, even "air-quoted", was confusing at best. And you seemed just as eageras SPC (Join to see) to jump on a soapbox.
SGT Felicia King
Thanks! It's nice to see all these comments. I get too fed up up with those comments on Facebook usually because that's where everybody talks. People crying about not getting discounts, military not paid enough, etc. Military gets a shit ass load of benefits. It is heartbreaking to see one not being taken care, but that falls on everybody. I never ask for military discount. If they give it to me I won't decline though lol but I'm out now. I think I was more inclined to accept when I was active.
I've stopped asking for the military discount. I see it abused when SM's get bent over someone not "honoring" their service and sacrifice. So unless the store knows I'm retired, I don't ask. I'll ask for the Senior Citizens, Kids under 12, and anything else to get a discount, but not with my ID card. We're owed NOTHING unless we had direct skin in the game, or it was in our enlistment contracts. Otherwise go kick rocks.
CPT (Join to see)
I usually forget, but if I remember I ask them. If they don't have one, it doesn't bother me. If given a choice between two businesses, I'll go with the one that offers . . . that just makes money sense. I don't tie it to patriotism.
SSG John Bacon
Yeah, if you live in a military town most of the time if they offer a discount they will ask you, not the other way around. Also If they have a sign posted saying that they do I will just show them my ID card. I don't go out of my way to ask for any kind of discount although my wife always nags at me to do so. If they don't then that's their prerogative. You can't get bent out of shape about it.
PFC Anthony Bruce
If I go out to eat I ask if they do they do, if they don't they don't. Only one time has it ever been an issue and that was at my local Pizza Hut. Only reason it was an issue there is the GM is a veteran and offered (still does) a discount but one of the assistant managers tried to lie to me and say that it was never offered.
Cpl Michael Forner
I will not ask nor expect any benniff that is not offered to the general public. There are two exceptions:
An offer is advertised, ie Veterans Day.
I am super hardcorps meaning I most often have some sort of Marine Corps clothing. This is due to my desicion to were it and I do not under any circumstances expect any benefit based on my affiliation with the Marine Corps. If it is offered I may be inclined to accept.
I truly believe it he only thing I should expect is fair treatment from the VA and Thad it.
I also understand no one forced me to become a Marine, that was a decision I made. With this I know that my service to my community and Country (no matter who our elected officials are, how ever I have never seen this level of hate before from our leader's) but still believe my oath has never ended.
I am a servant leader. I serve to serve not to be served.
An offer is advertised, ie Veterans Day.
I am super hardcorps meaning I most often have some sort of Marine Corps clothing. This is due to my desicion to were it and I do not under any circumstances expect any benefit based on my affiliation with the Marine Corps. If it is offered I may be inclined to accept.
I truly believe it he only thing I should expect is fair treatment from the VA and Thad it.
I also understand no one forced me to become a Marine, that was a decision I made. With this I know that my service to my community and Country (no matter who our elected officials are, how ever I have never seen this level of hate before from our leader's) but still believe my oath has never ended.
I am a servant leader. I serve to serve not to be served.
Having read these posts, I offer this.
There is nothing wrong with accepting a discount or other nicety. There is really nothing wrong with asking if one is available.
What IS wrong to to throw a fit, or complain if it is not available.
I can honestly say I have not seen much bad behavior because there was not a benefit offered for vets or active duty.
There is nothing wrong with accepting a discount or other nicety. There is really nothing wrong with asking if one is available.
What IS wrong to to throw a fit, or complain if it is not available.
I can honestly say I have not seen much bad behavior because there was not a benefit offered for vets or active duty.
COL (Join to see)
Right on. Having been on sales almost all my life, I sincerely believe that EVERYTHING is negotiable. Don't be afraid to ask for military discount or something scratch and dent or even hotel upgrades. All they can say is no. Just as long as you follow up with a respectful "Thank You," no matter what the answer, you will be surprised what someone is willing to give for the sale or customer satisfaction.
LTC Dave Duffy
Happens all too often in my store. Just last week a lady threw a fit because I didn't offer a veteran discount. Said that I wasn't honoring her husband's service and sacrifice. I guess mine didn't matter in her view.
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