Posted on Mar 25, 2016
Heading to Fort Bragg soon. How is it being at an airborne unit, but not being airborne qualified?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 32
I once told an Army Officer that I could not think of a dumber way to go to a fight than dangling from a curtain by some pieces of clothesline. He said he felt the same way about using a metal boat where the door opens to the front to get to the fight. He called it a ricochet box. We both decided that maybe we were equally stupid and that at this point one more beer wouldn't kill that many brain cells.
PFC Brian Lesnikowski
where would you rather have been on D-Day jumping in or coming by water? I'll take the Airborne way
Maj John Bell
PFC Brian Lesnikowski - The problem is that I would be the guy dangling from the church steeple.
Lots of non qualified folks at Bragg. Don't sweat it just do your jpb to the best of your ability.
If you're going to 82nd (if you can even go not being airborne qualified) they will give you a hard time constantly. But the other units on Bragg even the airborne ones aren't as bad about non airborne personnel.
SGT Jeremy Mills
Non-airborne personnel didn't have too bad a time in my brigade, mostly because they were in short mos slots. However, if they wanted to stay, or be promoted or any other favorable actions, they were strongly encouraged to go to airborne school.
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