Posted on Mar 10, 2016
The growing industry of energy efficient businesses. Where is it headed & would you consider a career here?
Responses: 6
Capt Brandon Charters I have had notions on it, thinks for providing insight on this very informative thread.
Hell Yeah, Wave of the Future. Sustainable is the Only thing that makes sense in the Long Run.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
My Daughter has Solar Cells on the Roof and her Electric Bill in the Middle of Summer is $15. I like it.
Capt Brandon Charters I read an article about the coming reduction of solar installation published by BloombergBuisness not long ago. To summarize the article; In what should be an expanding field it is projected that installations will decrease by 70% in the year 2017. The reason for this is that tax credits and subsides for solar installation and other projects are slated to stop at the end of 2016. The loss of the credits and subsidies are estimated to cost the industry 100,000 jobs and remove 25 billion dollars from the economy that would have been spent in the alternative energy industry. Add to this that even with the subsidies solar energy is more expensive than fossil fuel energy. Without the subsidies the estimated cost of solar energy is expected to be somewhere between 30 and 40% higher. I'm all for solar energy development and use however given these factors I would think very hard about pursuing a career in this field for the near term.
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