Posted on Mar 2, 2016
SFC Counterintelligence Agent
I need some clarification on something. While I was on ADOS orders I was promoted to E6 effective date 1 JAN 15. The promotion reassigned me to a different unit, but the transfer order didn't come until much later with effective date of 31 DEC 15 because RLAS was down. I'm trying to transfer units but they're saying they won't let me because I need to spend a year with them.
Posted in these groups: United states ar seal.svg Army Reserve6f75435 Transfer
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Responses: 11
LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
Typically, yes. However, there are rare exceptions.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Technically no, the gaining unit can transfer you for any reason. But you as a Soldier don't have the option, it has to be initiated by the unit.
But since a year has passed, is this still in question?
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
CSM William Payne - More than likely, since he didn't get transfer orders until last month, they promoted another Soldier into the slot before he was ordered to transfer there.
Again, improper coding. It should have been coded "vacant, but reserved for a deployed (ADOS) Soldier".
CSM William Payne
CSM William Payne
9 y
Roger that Top. Bad UMR management.
SFC Counterintelligence Agent
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
1SG (Join to see) - correct, that was what happened. When I went to go visit them in person trying to get the transfer done even one of their civilian HR personnel said I wasn't obligated to transfer there since transfer orders wetr never issued, but by that time the transfer paperwork had already been signed off on by my old unit and this gaining unit so it was too late to just go to a closer MI unit. They'd promised to help move my packet forward in tour of duty so I could remain on ADOS orders here at Gordon, but once the transfer was effective I got almost zero assistance from them with getting my packet finish in tour of duty and the last day of january HRC decided to stop extending my orders while we tried to finish getting the tour of duty packet finalized so over the weekend I found myself suddenly off orders with no time to demob. They didn't respond to my emails or phone calls until mid-february, which has sort of given a bad impression on how I can expect they'll take care of me if I'm forced to stay there for a year before transferring back to an MI unit.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
SFC (Join to see) - I'm speculating here, but I would guess that someone in your CoC is hostile to you being on their UMR and on ADOS orders. This happens a lot. There was probably some internal deliberation going on, hence the non-responsiveness.
Guessing further, they're probably going to play hardball until you report and put a human face on the issue with actual leaders, not just the UA. Figure out what tack you want to take (hint: don't use sympathy. They won't have any.) and give it your best shot.
If they say no, you're stuck unless you want to risk the promotion being revoked and them collecting all of that E-6 pay if they're really feeling vindictive.
If you are destined to remain there, win them over with your qualities as a Soldier. Right now, you're just a name and an SSN on the UMR. Make them see that you are more than that, and readdress the issue again down the road.
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LTC Thomas Tennant
SSG Kirkpatrick, as an "Old UA" I would say that you should stay with the new unit at least 12 months. Please keep in mind the whole idea for cross unit promotions is to infuse new blood into the unit and to assist in your professional development. Yes you are outside of your comfort zone but that is a good thing because that is when you will learn the most. I am not saying never go back to your old unit if there is an opening, but give the new one a chance. New unit with a new promotion....what an adventure.
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