Posted on Feb 17, 2016
SFC Automations Ncoic
Morning All,
I am recently returning to the force after over a year in a qualifications course. Understanding already that I am in dire need of a extended annual NCOER and that there shall be a school code for the time I was in said course, which shall be chalked up as non-rated. Here is the question: Can items such as language proficiency gained while in the Q Course be put on that NCOER?

I was not given a 1059 and instead provided a Letter of Non-Rated Time referencing AR 623-3 and such. I am leaning towards anything good, bad, or otherwise cannot go on my extended annual as the time I was in said course is blocked off as non-rated time. However I cannot seem to locate anything within the reg that says I should/should not include anything from my time in the course.
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Responses: 5
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Your NCOER would have a non-rated code S for the time spent at school. If in fact there was no AER (DA 1059) issued, it would be appropriate to include the results or the fact you went to the course in your NCOER.
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LTC Yinon Weiss
Edited 9 y ago
My understanding is that you would not need an extended annual NCOER until you have 12 months of rated time that it can cover, even if you had over a year in non-rated / 1059 covered time. For example:

Your last NCOER went through Oct 2014. You began the Q Course in Jan of 2015 and left in Jan of 2016 (12 months of non-rated time). You would then need an extended annual NCOER in October of 2016, with a block showing 12 months of non-rated time. On this NCOER, you would not be able to use anything you received the 1059 or non-rated time.

If you have a change of rater prior to the due date for the extended annual then you would receive a change of rater NCOER with non-rated time, but you still can't use the Q Course time as long as you received a 1059 for it.

However, there could be ways you can use what you learned in the course, such as language proficiency. For example, if you are CURRENTLY putting in time to maintain your language proficiency, then perhaps you can use something like "Proactively seeks self-improvement by sustaining and working on improving his 1/1 DLPT rating in XYZ language." This way your NCOER can cover what you are doing now, not what you did in the Q Course.

There are probably NCOs on here who can help more on this, but I wanted to add my understanding. Perhaps SGM Matthew Quick can add his wisdom here?
LTC Yinon Weiss
LTC Yinon Weiss
9 y
SFC (Join to see) - I don't believe you need to initiate an extended NCOER within 90 days of having a qualified rater. You can wait until you have 12 months of rated time. You would then have plenty of good things in those 12 months to use in the NCOER, including some creative language leveraging your Q Course experience as it relates to contributions that happened during the rated period.

I'm not sure why you didn't receive a 1059 either. Not sure what the regs are about receiving a 1059 from non-completed schools.
SFC Automations Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
CSM (Join to see) - Good Morning CSM, i am unaware the reasoning behind the non-receipt of a 1059 from POQC however when inquiring about it all I was told was that it is better to use the letter of non-rated time then have a cadre member scribble something without thought because you voluntarily with drew or did not achieve course standards. I did ask local HR folks however I need to take it higher as my current echelon of unit is ran entirely by lower enlisted.
SFC Automations Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
My situation is similar to that of SFC Palmer U. I am now going on 14 months without a rating with another month and change before I reach the 90 days required for rater qualifications. This is how SWTG does things and that is not a stone thrown at them. I clearly recall the Blue Book from 75th Ranger Regiment that referenced something along the lines of how ratings will not be tarnished because SM desires to attend a selection course outside of Regiment. This is the same thought process applied to CA/PSYOP/SF students who attend their respective Q courses. Better the units work report cards as change of eaters, annuals, extended annuals instead of some over worked cadre member who is going to scribble something unflattering regardless of situation.
LTC Yinon Weiss
LTC Yinon Weiss
9 y
SFC (Join to see) - It doesn't matter if you have 14 months without a rating, what you need is 12 months of rated time. So if your last NCOER was through Oct 2014, and all of 2015 was non-rated, you would not need a new NCOER until Sept 2016, which would cover the following periods:

Oct, Nov, Dec 2014
Jan 2016 - Sept 206

This is just an example.
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CW3 Network Architect
You need an extended annual, and it needs to have 12 months of rated time on it. So, 12 months after you get back from school, you get a rating starting on your first day of school, and ending 12 months after you get back, and the non-rated time is coded S and covered by the DA 1059.
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