Posted on Feb 15, 2016
SSG Emergency Action Controller / Ops Nco
Simply put-

Is it wrong/frowned upon for a leader (NCO or Officer) to wear the Universal Camouflage Pattern(old ACU) uniform until it's wear out date as opposed to switching to the Operational Camouflage Pattern(new OCP) ?

Why or why not?
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Responses: 75
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Edited >1 y ago
Wearing the old uniform shows troops that they can continue to wear the uniform, and don't need to "rush out" to buy the latest and greatest thing as soon as it is available.

Buying the new items shows troops the correct way to wear it, and that they should be looking towards the future, and should be planning to replace.

When the Marines swapped to MARPAT, the suggestion to us was "Buy a set every other month until you've got a full issue. Alternate them and use your oldest gear in the field until wear out."
Edward Samsen
Edward Samsen
6 y
CW3 Harvey K. - The Bates low quarter shoes are indeed comfortable once broken in. I have resoled my black shoes 2-3 times before they are shot....they look good take a good shine. My BatesLites browns also great comfortable take a good shine and wear like iron. I refuse to wear the patent leather dress shoes....uncomfortable, they dont give etc etc.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
6 y
Edward Samsen - I'll have to give them a try. Thx for the tip.
Edward Samsen
Edward Samsen
6 y
CW3 Harvey K. - Plain black or brown dress shoes are business appropriate anywhere. As a volunteer at a museum ship, our uniform of the day was the ship's golf shirt, tan khaki slacks and appropriate shoes. I wore NAVY issue BROWN SHOES reflecting the ship we were aboard....slways with a proper shine. The head of the docent volunteers was a retired BLACKSHOE never said anything but he knew I was taking a jab at him.
When I wear a civilian suit, NAVY black shoes properly shined are far more comfortable than my wingtips and a bit less stuffy in southern CA. My tan suit gets the brown shoes...they wear like iron and once broken in are terrific.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
6 y
Edward Samsen - I remember one of the guys in my Army Reserve unit who was a veteran serving as a civilian DOD employee of the Army. He was processing out troops, one of whom he heard making a remark to a buddy about him that "This guy doesn't know s ___t about the Army".
He stood in front of that critic, and asked him "What year were you born in?" The soldier replied "In 1968". My friend pointed to the shoes he was wearing, his original Army issue shoes of 1966, that had been re-soled and re-built several times over the decades.
He told this salty young soldier "The Army issue shoes I'm wearing are older than you are. What does that tell you about how much I know about the Army?"
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SSG Retired!!!
Frowned upon....don't care
SGT Dave Tracy
SGT Dave Tracy
>1 y
Damn. Fine. Answer.
CSM Carl Cunningham
CSM Carl Cunningham
>1 y
That's funny. I wear the old stuff everyday and no one has an issue. Of course I am in the field a lot and we have more important things to worry about. It really doesn't matter. The close minded seniors in the Army do not care about what affects a young joes wallet, I do. I remember being poor.
1LT Unit Supply Sgt
1LT (Join to see)
>1 y
I have been getting the new one piece by piece. Every other month I will get something until I have everything. And I do use the allowance money to maintain my uniform and it's just not enough to replace 4 sets and boots, hats and getting everything sewn on. I don't care people think. I alternate between new and old depending on what's going during the week.
Edward Samsen
Edward Samsen
6 y
If the order comes down to change uniforms, phase in the new uniforms over not go out and buy a full issue of the uniforms all at one time. Buy one set and wear them when activities in the field are not required....pave the new uniform/uniforms for non field activities until you have phased in all of the new uniforms over a period of months. Wear the older uniforms foor days where rough duty/dirty activities will take place but at the same time serving as a good example for those under you by wearing BOTH versions of the uniform properly.
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SGT(P) Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
I'm only a SPC so most people won't care what I have to say but honestly, isn't it fiscally irresponsible to just buy them because "you can"? Isn't that setting a negative example for your soldiers? I mean, the responsible thing to do would be to maximize the usefulness of the uniform(s) you already have, right? It doesn't set any other type of standard by switching before your soldiers anyways. It's not like I'm only going to buy something because my 1SG wants to wear it. I'll wear it when the regulation states I should or when I no longer have a use for my "old" uniform. Whichever comes first.
SSG Section Sergeant
SGT(P) Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
SGT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks for the confidence building. You all make good points. I guess that sometimes you just see the trends in the unit you're in and forget that not every leader brushes their subordinates aside.
SGT Leon Riege
SGT Leon Riege
>1 y
do you honestly believe no one cares what you say ?
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
SMSgt Thor Merich I attended my last formation in 'green fatigues'. BDUs were the 'uniform of the next day'!
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