Posted on Feb 4, 2016
SGT(P) Unit Supply Specialist
I just walked out of the TAC and they told us "Good Luck". I'm trying to get advice from experience, but if an expert has an answer it will be really appreciated.

Finishing filing our taxes, we were told that because our residence state is PR, we can't get help from TAC and we should pay for it, no advice or whatsoever.

Have you or any of your Soldiers gone through this?
Posted in these groups: Taxes logo TaxesCollege advice AdviceFinance FinanceEscudopr Puerto Rico
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 5
CSM Felipe Mendez
The key word is "Commonwealth" This word place us under difference laws similar to Louisiana. I was forced to do the same and changed my residence to TX. My first time, I paid Taxes for PR and Federal and believed or not the PR taxes were double in comparison to the federal. In this occasion/filing, PR owe me taxes, it took several phone calls, faxes and 6 months later for them to agree to paid me. I expend more money in phone calls, faxes and legal document to show proof that I was in the military than the tax return that I got from them. My suggestion is to change residence and pay the federal tax and state of residence while on military duty. The same goes for personal property "Will". I want to do a "will" and I was told that I need to see special Legal advisor familiar with the "Commonwealth" laws. I had to wait few months until JAG finally had a legal advisor qualified in the commonwealth laws. Good luck
SGT(P) Unit Supply Specialist
SGT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
CSM Felipe Mendez I'll talk with my wife about it, I don't see other option to fix this... Kind of sad this situation.
CSM Felipe Mendez
CSM Felipe Mendez
>1 y
Don't feel like you are betrain the homeland. There are time that you and family comes first. Others that may think otherwise, they can keep paying the over-inflated taxes as they so desired.
SGT(P) Unit Supply Specialist
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CSM Felipe Mendez I remember when I switched to Verizon and because they don't have license on PR I had to give up my number, even losing that 787 was hard.
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MAJ Raúl Rovira
When I entered Active Duty I change my state of residency. I don't see a point to pay Puerto Rico taxes if I am not going back. Additionally the taxes were quite high.

Life requires us to change and adapt. I chose not to make an emotional decision to stay a resident of PR. I made a rational and financially advantageous decision by changing my state of residency. In the end, the choice is yours.

I caution you not to take at face value what barracks lawyers and the barracks Tax Guy will tell you. Question everything and ask the experts. Or just use TurboTax like SSG Michael Hasbun said.

I am curious about your statement "He had to it in order to being able to get help from the Tax Assistance Center."

Good thing you are asking the RP forum. You will get plenty of answers to help you out.
SGT(P) Unit Supply Specialist
SGT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Raúl Rovira I think that what really upsets me is the fact that, I'm surely not the only Puerto Rican stationed here. I can't say I've been mistreated but people are not well informed of our status or the simple fact that PR is a territory of USA just like any other. A tax expert telling me that is trained on it but is not allowed to do so because of lack of practice is pretty much the same of me, as a Supply, saying I can't start a FLIPL just because I don't do them every week.

I'm not fixing to go back either but, I've been in for just 2 years and I came directly from the island. The emotional thing is still alive.
CSM Felipe Mendez
CSM Felipe Mendez
>1 y
The key word is "Commonwealth" This word place us under difference laws similar to Louisiana. I want to do a "will" and I was told that I need to see special Legal advisor familiar with the "Commonwealth" laws. I had to few months until JAG finally had a legal advisor qualified on our laws. I was forced to do the same and changed my residence to TX, my first time I paid Taxes for PR and Federal and believed or not the PR taxes were double to the federal. In this occasion, PR owe me taxes, several phone calls, faxes and it took 6 months for them to agree to paid me. I expend more money in phone calls, faxes and legal document to show proof that I was in the military than the tax return that I got from them. My suggestion is to change residence and pay the federal tax and state of residence while on military duty.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
One word....TurboTax...
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