Posted on May 15, 2014
Is Social Security Number still being used as your Service I.D. # ? I seen a Dog Tag that did not have the traditional social security #
I have been out since 2000 and I noticed someones Dog Tag that showed a # not resembling a social security number. I used to think how dumb to have such sensitive information could be on such a thing only to get lost and in some ones else s hand. With all the credit fraud going around. If it was changed to a service number, when was the change over?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 5
I haven't seen anything to take the Ssn off the tags yet, but now that we have taken them off the id, maybe we can do the same with our tags
Sgt Arthur Went
I have been out since 2000. You would thing that they would change over to your DoD #.Loose your tags and someone has all they need to open a credit line. SMH...
ID cards no longer have SSN. You get a "DoD ID Number" instead. You can use this DoD ID number for TSA Pre-Check as well.
Not sure about dog tags. It's been a while since I've had any new ones made.
Not sure about dog tags. It's been a while since I've had any new ones made.
Sgt Arthur Went
Thanks for the input sir. You would think that the Dod ID Number will replace the S.S.#.When did they switch to the ID Number?
GySgt John Kuhns
Sad...disappearing like wall lockers, foot locker, and squad bays. My first military id was 2649951, I had broken time and when I came back in they were using SSN's. Times change with the younger folks joining. They have too have name tags and service name tags too know who they are and what service they belong too, Semper Fi next thing you know they will train with sights on their weapons instead of iron sites. Semper Fi Gunny Kuhns
Shucks, I had THREE sets of dog tags because as an enlisted man, I had an enlisted serial number. Later, as a commissioned officer, I had an officer file number, and THEN we went to using social security numbers for everyone.
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