Posted on Jan 21, 2016
PO3 Austin Michael
So as of now, I am an MA with just over a year and a half in the Navy and a brand new 3rd Class. I am doing well in the Navy but my heart just isn't in it. I considered going Infantry in the Marine Corps before enlisting in the Navy but decided against it and now that I'm where I am, I wish I hadn't. I definitely want to go Infantry as a rifleman or possibly an infantry officer. I am married and have my first child due in June. Has anyone done anything like this before or can anyone tell me the best way to go about doing it?
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Responses: 16
Sgt Stephen Walker
Not sure how much information you were able to glean from the other replies to your post but I will add my comments. As a current Marine Corps Recruiter, I think that alone solidifies my qualification to answer here, I have dealt with many prior service other service and here are the basics.

Q...Can you "crossover"?
A..Yes, member must obtain a DD Form 368 Request For Conditional Release from the Recruiter

Q...What is the timeline (window) between discharge and enlisting?
A...A 368 once routed through the members chain of command usually has a window of about 30 days but it can change at the discretion of the members command. ***If the member does NOT change components and/or the dates on the 368 expire the member must return to their original service and start the process over.

Q...Does the Marine Corps make me jump through hoops?
A...It wouldn't be the Marines if we didn't. You must be fully qualified according to retention standards (same as current Marines) and have obtained the needed waivers (dependents, age, etc) in order to be scheduled for processing at MEPS.

Q...DEP time, MEPS and shipping.
A...According to the Marine Corps Recruiting Command Enlisted Processing Manual (MCRC EMP) Prior Service Other Service (PSOS) DO NOT rate DEP time. The Recruiting Station contracting you must ship you the day you go to MEPS to enlist. A ship date should be identified with your Recruiter prior to you obtaining the 368.

Q...What happens to prior service other service at Marine Corps boot camp?
A...You will have to take a reduction in grade to E2 and must complete all graduation requirements like everybody else. You will rate to wear you Personal Awards at graduation and during inspections. There is no guarantee about meritorious promotions at MCRD for PSOS as far as I know. (I also spent two years at MCRD San Diego, I have some knowledge of the Recruit Training Order). Meritorious promotions are up to the Drill Instructors and the training companies, good luck though.

Q...What about jobs?
A...A Recruiter should help you with that when you first come into the office, if you qualify to process for enlistment.

Over all the process is easier for Reservist and National Guard guys than for Active Duty components. My office is currently working an Active AF and prior Reserve AF, both seem to be taking for ever but then again they're not 18 YO's with zero baggage. I've been Recruiting for three years and have come across people from all branches trying to become Marines for various reasons. We even had an Army 2nd Lt who was trying to give up his commission. Anther one that sticks out is a kid who called from a ship while he was deployed, can't help you there bud.

Hopefully this info helps you and whoever else reads it. Feel free to message me directly if you have additional questions.

Good luck to you.
PO3 Austin Michael
PO3 Austin Michael
>1 y
Thank you, Sgt. I will talk with the command career counselor and see what I can do.
Sgt Stephen Walker
Sgt Stephen Walker
>1 y
PO3 Austin Michael - Hope you get some "solid" advice.
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
Sgt Stephen Walker
Probably the best advice this young Sailor can get!
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GySgt Dennis Gilbert
The truth is you would have to see a recruiter and go through boot camp and you would only be able to come out as a LCpl afterwards. If you took the officer route, I believe you could apply for OCS while still in the Navy but it will require a conditional release, all of this would be through a Officer Selection Officer or OSO, that you could locate through a local Marine Corps Recruiting office. Being that you have a family, if you still wanted to join the Corps, I would recommend going the Officer route. OCS is 3 months long and after is 6 months of The Basic School, following of which would be your MOS school. Hope this helps.
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SSgt Utilities Chief
Well, the first step is finishing what you have started. Next, it is totally possible for you to join the Marines after your contract is up. I knew a guy when I was a PFC, he had done 12 years in the Navy and on a whim decided to become a Marine; he graduated as company honorman as a Lance Corporal, and because of his insane time in service (for an E-3), he made Corporal while still in MOS school. He lost it though, mainly because he failed too many tests, but picked it back up right quick when he found his niche. This was over 10 years ago, so I'm sure he is either out or retired by now, but the point is that it can and has happened.
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