Sgt Stephen Walker

Sgt Stephen Walker

Dates of Service: Jul 2007 - Mar 2016
82% Complete
10 Contacts
Influence Score: 5,054
9,713 out of 864,895 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Pvt Oct 07
  • PFC Jan 08
  • LCpl Oct 08
  • Cpl Oct 09
  • Sgt Jul 11

Recent Activity  -


I started out as a Field Radio Operator for a UAV Sqd in Twentynine Palms. While assigned to that unit I was able to cross train on data networking systems and the UAV maint fields. I have since moved to be a Marksmanship Coach and Recruiter. The decision to stay in or get out is based solely on opportunity, whichever has the better in the long term. Volunteer Firefighter, Television and Film Production, Basic Cisco Networking.

Military Experiences

Mar 2013 - Mar 2016
RS St. Louis
Canvassing Recruiter
In summary put people in the Marine Corps.
Jan 2011 - Jan 2013
Ranger Instructor
Range Coach, Pit SNOIC, Bn Single Marine Program
Jan 2008 - Jan 2011
Field Radio Operator
Assigned to the comm platoon and aircraft maint platoon. Radio, Data and EKMS.


(11 months)
Apr 2010 - Nov 2010
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Radio and EKMS for VMU-1 at Camp Dwyer.
Oct 2008 - Dec 2008
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Radio operator for detachment at Sal Sinjar, Iraq

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Nov 2007 - Jan 2008

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jan 2013 - Feb 2013

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Personal Information

chevroletFf FirefightingFootball FootballPittsburgh PenguinsPittsburgh Pirates