Posted on Jan 11, 2016
MSG Squad Leader
I recently got sent to school (as a reservist) which lasted for 42 days. It's my understanding that full BAH is earned when active for 30 days or more, anything less and you get BAH Type II.

My school was two 21 day phases, back to back. This was a continuous 42 day course without days off.

I was paid BAH Type II and was explained by my unit that that's how the Army saves $$, essentially cheating a soldier out of benefits. My house payment didn't change so why would I not get paid enough to cover it? I'm not having any luck finding a reg on it. If anyone knows where it is I would greatly appreciate it.
Posted in these groups: Bah calculator BAHD2d98f7c OrdersUnited states ar seal.svg Army Reserve
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Responses: 29
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
What I suspect is that you have more than one set of orders, each covering a different phase of the school. If that is the case, they are technically (if not morally) correct.
Otherwise, you got jobbed my friend, and if your unit persist that this is right then you need to pay your IG a visit.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
MSgt Timothy Brock - A DD 214 is only issued in this situation if the period of service is 90 days or more, so it would not apply in this case. Good point, though.
MSgt Aircraft Maintenance Chief
MSgt (Join to see)
9 y
What the Maj is suggesting would be the most effective approach. Once the orders are amended you would still only get type II for the first 29 days and then prorated BAH for the remainder.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
MSgt (Join to see) - Unfortunately, that is not so. He'd either get all Type I or all Type II, depending on how the amendment was done. See my comment above. It is jacked up, but I looked up the rule and there it was in black and white.
MSgt Aircraft Maintenance Chief
MSgt (Join to see)
9 y
1Sgt, Thanks for the response which rule were you looking at? I'm asking because I'm wondering if there's different governance for the Army Reserve. In the JFTR Chap 10 table 10E-16 note 2 discusses orders modifications for reserves on modified orders of 30 days or more. However, I could be reading it incorrectly or there may be another rule that would not allow the orders to be modified after completion to obtain the 30 days. My guess is this is most likely the case since that would be advantageous to the member. It's always hard to try to correct these things after completion for what should have been done on the front end.
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LTC Yinon Weiss
Edited 9 y ago
You might get BAH Type II if your AT orders were bundled in together for it. This way, you would have been on two separate orders, 14 days for AT and 28 days on active duty for the school, therefore not breaking the 30 day requirement for full BAH.

Units are typically required to expend their AT training dollars first (at least in the Guard), so it's not necessarily to an effort to shortchange you. If you had done AT in the same fiscal year before this school, then it would appear that something is wrong.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
^A very plausible explanation.
The orders should be ADTS (Active Duty Training - School) and out of that pot, but organizations and budget managers play this game when long schools are required in order to conserve funds in the ADTS pot 'o' money.
CW3 Kevin Storm
CW3 Kevin Storm
9 y
A SM should never get switched from BAH with Dependents, to BAH type II. Someone screwed the pooch. That would mean every single person in the system would get BAH type II when they go to a short school. If that were the case no one would go.
LTC Yinon Weiss
LTC Yinon Weiss
9 y
CW3 Kevin Storm - Maybe things are different in your State. In my experience, everybody going to short schools gets BAH type II. In my last unit there was no shortage of people desiring to go to training, regardless of the type of BAH, or even if BAH was offered.
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CPT Pedro Meza
Also if you were on one set of orders then your math is correct, but if you were on two set of orders then some one probably Spec 4 Mafia has saved the ARMY money..
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