Posted on Nov 26, 2013
SGM Matthew Quick
During this time of accelerated drawdown (down-sizing, right-sizing, etc.), should the military implement VOLUNTARY separations across the board?<br><br>Why or why not?<br><br>What else should the military consider to separate its service members.
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Responses: 20
CSM Brigade Command Sergeant Major
If they don't want to be in then let them go. Those who are motivated and in OS MOS can reclass to US MOS. I would rather have 5 Soldiers working with me who want to serve opposed to 10 where five just want to get out.
SFC A.M. Drake
SFC A.M. Drake
11 y

What is its your own peers, just curious of your thoughts then? Especially the ones you know.
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1SG Steven Stankovich

Voluntary Separation Boards?  Very interesting.  I remember, as I am sure you do also MSG(P) Quick, back in the early to mid-90s when the Army basically opened up the flood gates to get people out.  Early retirements, early outs, etc.  If you wanted out, you could basically get out.  The "powers that be" did not take into consideration rank, MOS, recruitment trends, STAR MOSs, etc.  We lost a lot as an overall force at that time.

Fast forward to now.  I think that the lesson was learned and this time, to me, seems to be a more phased and planned "drawdown" or "reduction in force."  Big Army is tossing out an execution of a means of separation, looking at the amount that is cut, and is then tossing out the next execution.  I believe that it is very phased and deliberate.

I am interested in how a Voluntary Separation Board would fit into Big Army's equation.  While I think that it is a great idea to send home those who do not want to be here, it is important to maintain strength levels across the board with regards to MOS and ranks.

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CSM Mike Maynard
Absolutely not.

Voluntary boards usually fail to draw down the right folks or in the right specialties.

Just considering the numbers, voluntary separations would seem to allow us to forego separation boards, but realistically, we would still require the separation boards, because we would still be overstrengthed in certain fields that didn't draw themselves down voluntarily. 
SGT Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist
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11 y
CSM Maynard,

Wouldn't it be better to let the ones in MOSs with out-calls voluntarily separate, rather than potentially booting a Soldier that wants to stay (despite a minor blemish or two on their record.) 

Certainly, you wouldn't want to go separating everyone who wants out, but if you're looking for someone to put out it would make more sense to me to get rid of the ones who WANT out, first...
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