Posted on Dec 13, 2015
MSgt Curtis Ellis
Flag etiquette states that the flag should not be allowed to touch the ground. An uncropped version of the photo, posted to Traux’s Facebook earlier this month, shows her daughter standing on the bars of the draped American flag. Cropped or not, should the photo be allowed? Personally, I believe, in respect of the US Flag, it should not be allowed as long as someone in the position of authority knew about it. Doing so would give the perception that the school supports this. Given what we know about free speech, what do you think? And be nice...

"The mother of a Foxborough High School student says a photo of her daughter with an American flag was rejected by the school for being “offensive.” But the school says the photo itself was inappropriate for its disrespect of flag etiquette, WCVB reports.

In a widely shared Facebook post, Lisa Truax wrote that the Red Wing Diner, which employs her daughter, purchased a page in the school yearbook to congratulate her. The photo shows her daughter posing in front of a draped American flag.

“Does anyone find this photo offensive? Apparently Foxboro High School finds it offensive,” Truax wrote. “They won’t allow the picture in the yearbook because it’s the American flag. We are American! We live in America! OMG what is this country coming to?”

The post garnered more than 5,000 shares by Friday morning.

However, officials at Foxborough High School said in a statement to WCVB that the photo itself was the offensive one.

“The photo showed the United States flag, hanging on a wall, with the lower portion lying on the floor, and the student standing on the flag,” Principal Diana M. Myers-Pachla said in a statement. “We do not view standing on the U.S. flag as respectful or appropriate.”

Flag etiquette states that the flag should not be allowed to touch the ground. An uncropped version of the photo, posted to Traux’s Facebook earlier this month, shows her daughter standing on the bars of the American flag."
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 8
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
I just *love* when people use social media to stir up controversy. The girl's mother is bent on being "right".
This is a tempest in a teapot.
1LT Engineer Officer
1LT (Join to see)
9 y
Facebook is drama fest. Exactly why i dont have one. Hate it.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
9 y
1LT (Join to see) - I have one, but it's sat unused for years - my daughter created it for me. My degree is MIS, so I wouldn't touch FB with a 10 foot pole.
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SN Greg Wright
MSgt Curtis Ellis Wait, what?! Someone in public service STOOD UP FOR THE FLAG?!

Curtis, quick, where can I buy structural supports? I think the sky is going to come down.

/end hyperbole

'The Veterans'. That kind of pissed me off. What does she think, we're some kind of special group to be pulled out of the drawer to show her 'support'?!
MSgt Curtis Ellis
MSgt Curtis Ellis
9 y
SN Greg Wright I know, right?
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SGT Rick Ash
I saw the initial post and thought it might be because it appeared she was standing on the flag. Even if that is so, the school is responsible for "draping the flag and letting it touch the ground. I do NOT think it is offensive however, I would like to give the school some of my direct comments. Lisa did nothing wrong on purpose. And, this is America and that is OUR heritage and proud history. This is all wrong for the wrong reasons.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
SGT Rick Ash I'm guessing you didn't read the article. The school didn't have anything to do with the picture except to say that they were uncomfortable with the girl standing on the flag. The girl took the photos at a professional photo studio - and that is where the flag was on the ground (as a backdrop). The school had nothing to do with it.
Capt Mark Strobl
Capt Mark Strobl
9 y
MSG Donald R. Lee, M.B.A. - Nailed it. "Wrong for all the wrong reasons."
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