Posted on Dec 13, 2015
MSgt Curtis Ellis
Getting out of the military soon? Don't wait for something to "break" before submitting your VA compensation claim... Ensure this remains one of your transition priorities!!!

"As a young Marine processing out of the military, filing a compensation claim was the furthest thing from my mind. I felt young and healthy, and filing a VA compensation claim felt like another item to be added to my never-ending admin checkout sheet. At the time, preparing for college was my top priority so I postponed my claim. Like most college students, I became really good at procrastinating and nearly two years later, I had yet to file my claim. But, as old military injuries began to surface, filing my compensation claim quickly became a priority. Fortunately during college, I worked for VA as a workstudy and had access to the right resources to help me with the process.
For most fellow Veterans, however, access to this sort of help may not be as readily available. You may feel alone in the process or not even know where to begin. For those considering filing their first or even second VA claim, the short video below (through the attached link) provides some helpful tips to ease your stress or reluctance."
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 6
PO1 Mike Edgecomb
The biggest tip I can give anyone. Go through a VSO - Veteran Services Officer. The DAV, VFW American Legion, and others have them. Their services are free.
They do this everyday, day in, day out. They are experts at filing claims. They know how to write them , what to include, and what information you will need to fully develop a claim. Use them!
Do NOT file a claim yourself. No exceptions!
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
PO1 Mike Edgecomb spot on. As a past DAV CSO, I tell people this continually...
PFC Joseph Levi
PFC Joseph Levi
9 y
100% agree with you. I deal with veterans using the FDC (fully developed claim) and filing it themselves online through Ebenefits and have to try to fix their issues or direct them to someone to help them. DO NOT FILE THIS WAY!! If you forget a signature, didn't check a box correctly or even leaving the date blank by accident will result in a claim being denied and you will be back to square one. Would you call a plumber to put a motor in you vehicle? Then why would you file a claim if you never did one before, let the guys that have the experience and training so it.
2LT Earl Dean
2LT Earl Dean
6 y
I wish there were a way to give both an up a d down vote. Your so right about them wanting to help. I fought that route for years and got no were fast. Do not get me wrong I am not cutting any of those groups down they tried. But VA claim Pros got the job done in three months for me. It's a lawyer but paying what they want is far more acceptable than waiting. That call to [login to see] 2 was well worth it
PO1 Howard Barnes
PO1 Howard Barnes
>1 y
I fully agree, i went to the VFW and they helped me filll out the paperwork and submitted the paperwork for me. The VA at the time was moving pretty good and i had my rating in about 5 months. i had heard that it sometimes took more than a year. i was very happy with the results.
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1SG Military Police
Every resource you can bring to bear in the VA journey is a valuable one.
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Sgt James Biear
Thank you for the information provided.
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