PFC Joseph Levi

PFC Joseph Levi

Dates of Service: Jul 2001 - Jul 2005
77% Complete
139 Contacts
Influence Score: 49,805
1,389 out of 868,081 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PFC Jul 01
  • SPC Nov 02
  • PV2 Aug 04
  • PFC Nov 04

Recent Activity  -


I currently work for Congressman Chris Gibson 19th District in New York as his Military and Veteran Affairs Constituent Services Representative. I represent all active duty, retirees, Veterans, and disabled veterans who need help with their federal issues. I use my Congressional contacts to actively find solutions for my fellow brothers and sisters in arms.

Military Experiences

Jan 2002 - Jul 2005
Petroleum Supply Specialist
This was my first and only unit I was attached to in the military. I performed hot refueling missions on every bird the Army flew. From Blackhawks to an Apache and the recently retired UH-58 Kiowa. Among the Army birds, we also refueled, while deployed, Air Force birds and Jets and everything the Marines flew including the old Cobra.
Apr 2002 - Oct 2002
Petroleum Specialist
In Kosovo we deployed to towns that were badly ruined from the missiles and bombs that were dropped throughout the war. We rebuilt an elementary school in Pristina, a local town outside the wire. We had locals help and give us a hand refacing the exterior walls with concrete and then repainting, replacing and supporting the balcony which was unsafe, and repaired the roof. This town was in such disrepair and the poverty was horrible. We gave the children water, food, and soccer balls.

Along with volunteering to do those missions, I also performed my daily duty of refueling the helicopters. I also spent 2 months cross training in the petroleum lab doing the testing making sure the fuel was up to standards to put in the helicopters.


(1 year, 9 months)
Feb 2004 - Jan 2005
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
I performed many missions involving house and car searches. I volunteered for almost every convoy to get the experiences you only get outside the wire. I also performed Hot Refueling missions for the Army, Navy, and Air Force Helicopters and Jets. I provided support to the FOB's when they had issues with their JP-8 fuel supply and M978 HEMTT.
Apr 2002 - Dec 2002
Kosovo ribbon
We executed humanitarian aid. For an example, we helped rebuild a much needed school in Pristina, Kosovo. I also was a gunner when I volunteered to go out on missions. While I was on Camp Bondsteel, I performed hot refueling to all kinds of Birds from the Army, Marines, Air Force, and the Navy.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jul 2001 - Sep 2001

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Oct 2001 - Dec 2001


Feb 2002

Aug 2001

Expert Qualification Rifle

Foreign Language Skills


German (1+/1+)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Started in 2015

SUNY Orange

Criminal Justice


National Tractor Trailer School



University of Maryland College

Language, german

1998 - 1999

SUNY Sullivan

Computer science

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter