Posted on Dec 12, 2015
SGT Allied Trades Specialist
I have a secret clearance & my mos is over strengthened. My only options right now is to stay at my unit, which I don't or needs of the army. This would be my first re-up & I'm about 11 months from my ets.
I've been told I can make good money out side the army. Which is really important, I have a family of 5.
I'm very interested in staying with the government, maybe DoD?
I haven't been through ACAP, either.
Suggestions & advice please!?
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Responses: 20
SN Greg Wright
SGT (Join to see) I'll let currently-serving members speak to staying in or not, but I'll say this: you can't count on 'I was told'. Yes, welders make a lot of money in the civilian world...but that doesn't mean that YOU will get a job in a time frame that doesn't hurt you financially. So keep that in mind. If you DO decide to go that route, start looking right now. Like, literally, tomorrow. Don't wait.
SGM Mikel Dawson
SGM Mikel Dawson
>1 y
Do your research before burning bridges behind you. If you decide to get out, think about staying the the Reserve. No sense in throwing away what time you got in. I'd check up on the certification for welders on the outside and how your training will transfer. Research is the key to helping you make the right decision.
SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
True. Like all other trades, and the Military, there is a hierarchy and you won't just walk into a job making tons of money. You will apprentice, then move up in skill, status, and pay over time. Your time in the Military may count towards your time in the trade, but again, research. Get in touch with an actual welder where you want to live and ask all your questions. THAT will give you an accurate picture of what you will be looking at.

Federal government jobs are good in that your TIS clock will keep running, and the benefits are comparable and you won't ever get deployed or go to the field. But the application and selection periods are very long and drawn out (sometimes over a year) so plan accordingly.

Good Luck!
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
My suggestion is to go to ACAP. You have no clue about the civilian world yet.
This isn't the kind of question you ask other people, it's something you determine yourself and start planning for a year out.
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CSM Charles Hayden
SPC Munoz, Do a lot of research. Exceptional, gifted, overtime hound welders can make a lot of $. OVERTIME is a requirement for the big$. You would undoubtedly require additional schooling and certification courses. Those take time and cost $!
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