Posted on Apr 29, 2014
I'm Hungry - The Best Places to Eat Around Your Post/Base/Camp/Fort
If there's one thing I have learned from being in the military, there are always good places to grab some chow during lunchtime. What's your favorite place near a base?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 7
In SoCal there is so much food everywhere. I love to go out to bertos and grab a burrito. If I am in SAn Diego around lunch time I try and get over to Slater's 50/50 for a burger. Absoluely amazing food and 114 beers on tap not that I drink if I am on duty.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Imperial Beach just outside the base was a Mexican Greasy Spoon that served everything swimming in Soup Beans. Kinda Country Cooking meets Baja.
SSgt Gregory Guina
Like I said so much good food in Southern California. Also can't forget about In & Out for a quick burger.
I LOVE buffets, best bang for the buck.
There are always Chinese food buffets around, but I like some variety like Indian and Thai. Then there is always good old American style too.
I work out so I can eat :o)
There are always Chinese food buffets around, but I like some variety like Indian and Thai. Then there is always good old American style too.
I work out so I can eat :o)
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