Recent Activity -
Started off as a MSC Officer specializing in Logistics, Comptroller and Acquisition. Then did a branch transfer to Aquisition Corps.
Military Experiences
Sep 2012 - Sep 2014
Contracting Officer
Serves as an Operations Officer for the 410th Contracting Support Brigade (CSB), which directly supports United States Army South and the US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) area of operations. Responsible for the planning, development, and execution of Contract Support Integration Plans that support shaping operations, Foreign Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief, training exercises and combat operations for the 410th CSB consisting of 131 Military/Civilian personnel to include six Contingency Contracting teams and six Regional Contracting Offices across the USSOUTHCOM area of responsibility.
Apr 2011 - Sep 2012
Chief, Southern Regional Contracting Office
Served as Chief of Contracting and Senior Procurement Official a Contracting Officer (KO) with a $500,000 dollar contracting warrant, supporting the Southern Region Medical, which included 3 Medical Centers, 6 Community Hospitals, 2 Community Based Healthcare Clinics, the Army Medical Department Center and School, the Army’s Institute of Surgical Research and other regional facilities. Planned, directed and oversaw contracting operations and purchasing activity of a 74 person staff and an operating budget of $5.6 million. Developed and implemented operating policy and procedures for the acquis
Apr 2010 - Apr 2011
Contingency Contracting Officer
Served as Chief, Services Division and a Contracting Officer (KO) with a $1 million dollar contracting warrant, providing direct acquisition support to over 80,000 NATO Coalition Forces while assigned to the Joint Contracting Command -Iraq/Afghanistan. Supported war fighting critical missions across the full spectrum of combat military operations i
(3 years, 2 months)Apr 2013 - Oct 2013
Chief, Regional Contracting Office, Soto Cano AFB. In charge of ensuring all contracting requirements to support JTF-B are met.
Apr 2010 - Apr 2011

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Served as Chief, Services Division and a Contracting Officer (KO) with a $1 million dollar contracting warrant, providing direct acquisition support to over 80,000 NATO Coalition Forces while assigned to the Joint Contracting Command -Iraq/Afghanistan. Supported war fighting critical missions across the full spectrum of combat military operations i
Sep 2006 - Feb 2008

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Senior Medical Logistics Planner, III Corps. Ensured all medical supplies and equipment made it to theatre to support our medical requirements.
Military Credentials
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information