Posted on Nov 24, 2015
Why Is America Losing Faith With Our Strategy Against ISIS? Three Key Factors Explain The Public's Growing Lack Of Confidence
The American public is rapidly losing confidence in our Nation's ability to combat ISIS and it comes down to three key factors: perception, cooked books, and the reality on the ground. BLUF: The public perception is that ISIS is growing in strength and influence despite what the Administration keeps telling us. Whenever we hear about our effectiveness in combating ISIS, we learn months later that the estimates and figures fed to us were grossly inflated. Lastly, it's hard to dispute the reality on the ground, with things like an international refugee crisis in Europe, bloody attacks in Paris, and the downing of a Russian passenger liner. The question remains, what can and must we do if the public is to regain confidence in our fight against ISIS? Is it even possible, or must it now wait until a new Administration takes office in 2016? What say you, RP Nation? Is this a winnable fight?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
This is almost a rhetorical question: Why Is America losing faith with our strategy against ISIS? In short, because there isn't one. And if there is, it, like so much else in our country nowadays, it's a fucking joke. That's how far out of touch our leadership and our sense of reality is. Seven years of complete incompetence and fecklessness across nearly every sector of concern. Arguably, foreign policy, again, not that we have one, is among the worst. For the record, I never had faith in Operation Inherent Resolve. In fact, I referred to it as Inherently Flawed. I stand by that sentiment. Having this Administration formulate policy, such as it is, on anything at all is a recipe for disaster.
We'd have to kill absolutely every person with ISIS's ideology to truely win. Terrorism is the "poor man's" way to wage war, ISIS knows they could never win a force on force confrontation. so they spread out and do something here and something there... its like herding cats.
The public has lost confidence?
I have lost confidence.
It is painfully apparent to me that the powers-that-be have absolutely no interest in committing the resources to be decisively engaged. They are simply trying to hold serve until it becomes the next administration's problem.
I have lost confidence.
It is painfully apparent to me that the powers-that-be have absolutely no interest in committing the resources to be decisively engaged. They are simply trying to hold serve until it becomes the next administration's problem.
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