Posted on Nov 20, 2015
Cpl Robert Masi
I've been hearing a lot of rhetoric from the bleeding hearts that we HAVE to take in these refugees, and BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Obviously, there is a clear and present danger. The FBI has danced around the fact that the vetting process is absolute garbage. The Syrian government has terrible records of their citizens (hell you can buy a REAL Syrian Passport if you know the right people), and we are relying on their incomplete records as a part of our vetting process to accept refugees.
Many "Political Refugees" for the last 10+ years have been getting COACHED on what to say, and how to say it, in order to pass our almost non-existent interrogation process to get into America. This is another issue.
And our borders remain largely unprotected. The FBI recently caught Islamic Fundamentalists trying to cross into America from Mexico...And like Cockroaches, if you see one, you can be assured there are many many more.
So my question is simple: Are we going to prosecute any of these Politicians if ANY American lives are lost by the hands of Islamic Fundamentalists that were let in through this Immigration policy? I think they should all be tried as Accessories to Murder.
......The reason Politicians (Especially Democrats) jump at this whole refugee issue, is because they know they won't be held responsible when/if people are murdered. IMAGINE A WORLD where a Politician is responsible for their policies he/she elects for....What a magical world that would be.
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Responses: 29
CPT Jack Durish
Ultimately, We the People are the ones who must be held accountable. Making scapegoats of the politicians that we elected only distracts from the fact that they are our representatives. We knew who they were when we elected them. We knew even better when we reelected them. We are as alcoholics who have not yet taken the first step to recovery: We must admit that we are addicted to celebrity, to voting for instant gratification rather than our own well being. Once we are on the road to recovery, our nation will recover
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - Thanks for the help, but this Cpl's confusion is far more concerning than his seeming disrespect. Let's see if we can help him out.
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl Robert Masi - You are dead wrong; and it's not "kissing ass" as you so boorishly put it, it's simply treating others with the respect due to them. Your failure to do so is a violation of RP 3.1, the rules which govern conduct on this forum. That is the only reason why I have given you my Down-Vote. Your Down-Vote is retaliatory, which again is a violation of RP 3.1, but I'm going to venture to guess you are wildly unfamiliar with the standards and rules of this site, or we wouldn't be discussing your misconduct now, would we? I'll be sure to get you a copy and square you away!

As for your opinion, yes, by all means express it, debate it, and defend it with the fierce passion that is so visible in your words; just do so with respect on here, that is all I am asking. I know you can do this, and once you do, you will find that people take both you and your post more seriously. As it stands, you're just coming across like the unreasonable drunk at the end of the bar; you want to be heard, you want others to discuss what you're saying with you, but as soon as they start, you cut them off and proceed to explain to them the whys and hows of the fact that they don't know anything! Grow up, show some maturity, or suffer the consequences - the ball is in your court, Cpl.
LCpl Stanley Frieze
LCpl Stanley Frieze
>1 y
Cpl Robert Masi I voted you down not for you argument, but for your statement maybe it's a marine thing. I don't agree with that. Yes we tend to be harsh but I don't think your action are a reflection of us all. Uncool dude
SGM Retired
SGM (Join to see)
9 y
Cpl Robert Masi I think I see what you are getting at, despite your disrespectful attitude towards those you can't browbeat to your point of view. You want some level of action taken against politicians for the things they permit by looking the other way, or by having a blind spot on certain issues. Essentially, having not gotten your way at the polls, you want some other means of censuring people you don't like.

And that's why CPT Jack Durish is right. If we who elect politicians don't have enough sense to elect ones who will represent us, then we should suffer the consequences. Sooner or later there will be another 9/11, and there will be a lot of fingerpointing, and a lot of attempts to blame the other side. And most of that blame will be hogwash. If we can't learn from our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them.
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Capt Richard I P.
Edited >1 y ago
EDIT: The RallyPoint Team made a correction that renders a large portion of my comments overcome by events, I leave them for reference, but applaudKanika Misra's quick action.


RallyPoint Team, SSG Carlos Madden, how is this a "Command Post" entry?

The single time I wrote for "Command Post" there was an editing and vetting process that actually corrected some of my minor spelling and grammar mistakes, (thanks for the help Kanika Misra). There were requirements for topic coherence, grammatical and formatting convention and word count. Has that process been abandoned? Are individuals with barebones profiles now authorized to post on behalf of RallyPoint Command Post and subject to no review process?

If so the "What is this?" link at the top needs to be updated. It still refers to the old policies.

Cpl Robert Masi I think your message would be substantially improved by some editing. With overuse of capitals, ellipses (...) and word choices that increase emotional response rather than reduce it you undermine your own argument. To your content: there are bad people in any group, to deny sanctuary to the desperate is a greater comment on who we are than who they are. There have been people who resisted giving refugee status to every group deserving it, notably including the Jews of the 1930-1940s. Refugees are better vetted and investigated than tourists or students, and work harder to build lives in their new homes than other migrants.
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
Kanika Misra
Kanika Misra
>1 y
Capt Richard I P. Thanks for the catch. I've been removing CPs that don't fit the guidelines as best as I can, but sometimes thing slip through the cracks. Appreciate your help very much!
Cpl Robert Masi
Cpl Robert Masi
>1 y
I didn't have an option for a Discussion, it just said Command Post, so I figured Rallypoint changed up their format.
Sgt Nick Marshall
Sgt Nick Marshall
>1 y
I agree, I personally believe we should not be against Islam, but against Sharia law. Refugees are deeply vetted, tourists, students, workers and marriage visas not so much. Making a mountain out of a molehill is political theatre.
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Capt Walter Miller
“If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it.”

― Stephen Colbert
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." - Galatians 5:14
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