Posted on Nov 13, 2015
SFC Stephen King
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Responses: 11
PO1 John Miller
SFC Stephen King
Who do these students expect to pay for their college and forgive their debt, and how do they expect to learn how to survive in the real world where nothing is free?

I actually just saw a Fox News clip concerning this:
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
8 y
They expect you and I to pay for it. Because we pay for everyone else. "We do?" Yes. We do. Didn't we basically bail out the big 3 in detroit? Insurance/banks that made foolish choices? We bailed them out too, right? So what "lesson" do we leave in our kids' minds? "Surely mom and dad care more about me than Ford." And they have a point. I do love my kids more than Chase Manhattan and more than Dodge. So yeah...they expect you and I to do it. And it can't be "wrong" because you and I do it daily to big business, right?
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
8 y
What would their answer be if you asked them where they plan to work after graduation? The answer is if the government had not bailed those companies out, a lot less jobs. Not to mention the jobs associated with those companies. Also, ask them where the money for those "free" goodies comes from? When they get hammered with taxes just to service the debt, a good lesson would be learnrd. I was against the bailouts, but other than taxes, I would have been unaffected. My state pays for the first two years tuition for all. Why doesn't yours?
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
8 y
MCPO Roger Collins - Who pays taxes? I don't. I "loan" the government money then get it all back at the end of the year. So no one really see's the burden unless they do their taxes themselves. "A lot less jobs?" Thats gonna be a hard one to back up. They laid 1000 of us off at Disney. So 1000 in one fell swoop suddenly going on unemployment, food stamps, etc. Didn't seem to bother the state of Florida. So I'm thinking Detroit would have survived as well.

Sadly I live in tourist Florida where everyone wants to come. So no one is going to give away any college for free here. They used to allow you to dual enroll, but that's all but gone away now. Its still there "in writing" but not in practice. We told our kids that we were not giving them any money for college as they were all smart enough to get scholarships. And with one exception, they all have. Middle daughter is waiting until hubby goes active duty next month. Then she'll get college through him.

The bottom line is that no one in big business was allowed to fail/fall on their butt. And most of us voted for/reelected the peeps that made that happen in Washington DC. And our kids more than likely saw us voting for these same people. So it doesn't surprise me that there are so many kids feeling "fair is fair, you bailed them out, bail us out too." Especially since most of us are in jobs you can't get without college today. That was my son's problem. Be a server for the rest of his life ($8.00 per hour) or be a "Line Pro." Basically someone that walks the restaraunt as a faux manager, trains others, etc. You'll never guess? That's a college course!
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
8 y
TN offers free tuition to all at state community colleges and in the process of making these schools available to everyone. It's hard to see why I should pay for other state's students while paying for our residents.
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SrA Edward Vong
Edited >1 y ago
Removal of college staff: These are some of the ways labor workers go on strike, these are also some of the ways individuals go to get things done. I may not support the cause, but I support the action.

Free College: I do believe in somewhat of free education, at least for community colleges, and am willing to pay a little extra in taxes to support that. At the same time, the cost of college I believe should be lowered by a little bit. Books are ridiculously expensive as well. I used to be able to find books for cheap on 3rd party websites instead of buying from the school, however schools are now requiring special access cards, CDs, etc to make more money, which I don't mind, but I don't want to spend $400 on a textbook. I am complaining less than other students because my GI Bill is helping me out, but had it not been for that, I would not receive a full college education until I am 35+.

Debt Forgiveness: You have bills to pay, pay them. Although I'm not too fond of the grace period you get while you're in school. While you do not owe anything, and don't have to pay anything while in school, the interest racks of at a ridiculous rate. That I do not support.
SrA Edward Vong
SrA Edward Vong
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see)
I've been trying to give away my books too, either by donation, or just seeing who needs it. I know some professors have to include the textbooks in the syllabus, however some of the "cooler" ones e-mail the students before class and tell them not to buy anything. It's nice of them really.
MAJ Special Forces Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
SSgt (Join to see) - It will take a movement to beat this scam down. Teachers out to help students, yeegads, they MUST learn to support the "system", even as as it is being flushed. More govt money solutions have failed miserably.
MAJ Special Forces Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
All efforts to allow the inmates to run the asylum should be resisted. Their thesis is usually greatly flawed by sophomoric logic the great potential for bad "unintended consequences".. All this said, the antithesis of many traditional ways SHOULD be presented. The power of ideas should win, not the loudest voices. Synthesis results as the outcome in many of the best cases. Both sides give something for overall gain. E-books for Biolgy and the sciences that are undergoing great change. Innovate and Break those entrenched rice bowls. Student fees have to be reduced! Too much money for weird cases that should fund themselves. Check student government costs for CA university system, it is in the $$$ millions! Unbelievable!?!?
MAJ Special Forces Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
SrA Eddie Vongtanaanek - please let me know then REALITY has an impact on you. I enjoy it when growth and maturation occurs in fine thinking individuals, such as yourself.
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
Honestly, I could care less. They are irrelevant in my life. College debt will never be forgiven, Sanders free college will never come around because someone will have to pay for it. Keep marching clowns, no one is listening.
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