Posted on Nov 4, 2015
My BAH was lowered while I'm in AIT and my wife resides in another state, help!
Hey Soldiers,
So I'm currently at Ft Gordon, GA for AIT on my 3rd week. I'm here for 25b IT Specialist(22 weeks), I'm married, no children and my spouse is currently in CA. The VHA zip code on my LES changed from CA(where my wife currently resides, working, with a 1-year lease) to here in Augusta, GA. I met with the NG Liaison and he said there was a policy that came out a few months ago that states if a Soldier in training's MOS is 20 weeks or longer, the zip code changes to where the soldier is currently at. Doesn't make any sense to me since it won't cover my rent alone. From LA to Augusta, the rate difference is huge. He said all I can do is file a complaint. He told me to google NGB and read up on it but I haven't seen anything about it. As far as I know speaking to other NCOs here that it shouldn't be like that. I should be receiving the rate based on where my spouse is residing. Is the liaison just jerking my chain?
I'm making an appt with my S1(Finance) to see if he can help. Should I go to JAG?
Thank you
So I'm currently at Ft Gordon, GA for AIT on my 3rd week. I'm here for 25b IT Specialist(22 weeks), I'm married, no children and my spouse is currently in CA. The VHA zip code on my LES changed from CA(where my wife currently resides, working, with a 1-year lease) to here in Augusta, GA. I met with the NG Liaison and he said there was a policy that came out a few months ago that states if a Soldier in training's MOS is 20 weeks or longer, the zip code changes to where the soldier is currently at. Doesn't make any sense to me since it won't cover my rent alone. From LA to Augusta, the rate difference is huge. He said all I can do is file a complaint. He told me to google NGB and read up on it but I haven't seen anything about it. As far as I know speaking to other NCOs here that it shouldn't be like that. I should be receiving the rate based on where my spouse is residing. Is the liaison just jerking my chain?
I'm making an appt with my S1(Finance) to see if he can help. Should I go to JAG?
Thank you
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 85
On the BAH form DA5960, there is a block you can check which states you are asking to receive VHA based on your spouse's location. Look at Block 12. Expenses, If Authorized, I am Requesting VHA Based On: My permanent duty station: My dependent's location: Both my permanent duty station and dependent's location.
You should be able to justify requesting VHA based on your spouse's location, especially since the cost of living is exorbitantly higher in California than it is in Georgia. If an exception to NG policy is required for this request, I would definitely go the route of showing undue hardship upon the Soldier (e.g. your rent is $1700, but your housing allowance in GA is only $700). Attending required training should not cause an undue hardship to the Soldier and their family.
You should be able to justify requesting VHA based on your spouse's location, especially since the cost of living is exorbitantly higher in California than it is in Georgia. If an exception to NG policy is required for this request, I would definitely go the route of showing undue hardship upon the Soldier (e.g. your rent is $1700, but your housing allowance in GA is only $700). Attending required training should not cause an undue hardship to the Soldier and their family.
SPC (Join to see)
Can I do this if I’m a non IET soldier in AIT and my spouse is going to be staying somewhere other than my current duty station?
CW4 (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see) I would recommend that you discuss with your leadership, full out the 5960 requesting housing allowance based on your spouse's location. I say to discuss with your leadership first because your commander will be required to "certify" (sign) the 5960 before it can be submitted to finance for processing. It's not a guarantee you will receive the allowance for your spouse's location, but at least it is worth the try. If it it's denied, I would take a copy of the lease (or mortgage) from where your spouse lives and show your leadership just exactly how much hardship it causes you and your family when the housing allowance is reduced based on your training location. Again, no guarantee... But the answer will always be no if you don't at least ask the question.
I am finance, and if it's the policy then you can request a waiver thru the COC.
PO3 (Join to see)
I have a question and its mainly because i'm more or less ignorant to policy changes. I'm navy and we do what is called geo-bachelor but as far as i know that bah is registered in the geo-bachelors zip code. i could be wrong and i probably am. i love education so feel free to correct me. Why aren't there more streamlined instructions just for that sort of situation. Say i'm in training at pcola, florida. i don't need bah technically because A. I live in provided quarters during my training due to off base restrictions while in rate or mos training. B. My kids and wife are back home in my home of record. So does this policy change affect every branch? I thought that you claimed your bah based on where your dependents where physically at. This may be only an army administrative notice but i am curious to know after reading the above post. We are all one team, though our jobs differ widely we are all one fighting force. I claim anyone from any walk of life that wears the uniform as family. Who knows this may be info that i can pass down to joint commands where i am stationed. Thanks in Advance.
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