Posted on Nov 1, 2015
COL Ted Mc
From the "Topeka Capitol-Journal"

Fort Riley invites community to Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Ceremony

FORT RILEY — Though soldiers returning from deployment today are often met by family, friends and fanfare, that wasn’t always the case for troops returning from Vietnam.

To properly honor the soldiers who fought in the Vietnam War and the sacrifices they made, the 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley will host a Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Ceremony on Friday at the base, according to a news release.

“The 1st Infantry Division — the nation’s First Division — will do what it can to render proper thanks and honor to those who served in Vietnam during a welcome home ceremony,” Maj. Gen. Wayne W. Grigsby Jr., commanding general of Fort Riley, said in a statement. “We, joined by our partners in the Central Flint Hills Region of Kansas, owe a welcome home to our Vietnam heroes that they deserve, that they never got.”

EDITORIAL COMMENT:- Go if you can, but if you can't why not send them a message using their "Contact Us" form?
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Responses: 5
Capt Seid Waddell
Nice thought. Four decades late, but their hearts are in the right place. I appreciate the thought, even though the military was never the problem in this regard.
SPC Alan Svendgard
SPC Alan Svendgard
>1 y
This is a great thing for the 1st ID and Ft Riley to do. But let us not forget that after the 1st ID shipped out for VN,the 9th ID,was re-activated in early 1966 there. 3 Regiments of infantry(39th,47th and 60th) plus most support elements were trained there, from induction in April to battle ready and ship out to VN in Dec. I know, I was with B CO/4th/39th and I took all my training in Camp Forsyth. In Dec. we boarded a train in Camp Funston and shipped to Oakland, CA to board a troop ship (USS Alexander M Patch) bound for a 6hr. stop in Okinawa and then off to Vung Tau, VN for de-barkation on 1Jan1967 . From there we trucked to Bearcat, home base for the 9th ID. HELLOOOOO VIETNAM!! Sincerely, Alan J Svendgard, Former Infantry Grunt and PROUD OF IT!!
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PO3 Michael James
COL Ted Mc; Fort Riley.. Thank You Very much.. Very Considerate and much appreciated. Understand please, Vietnam Veterans issues are not really with our Military, or anyone associated with military personnel.. Active, Retired, Veteran... Most issues stem from the Congressional lack of concern. 1990 .. 101st Congress 2nd session.. House report 101-672 "Agent Orange Cover-up" .. Add; scandal after scandal from the VA. Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton's comment reference to VA's issues, many feel this way. Congress CAN fix VA, (if they want) There are BILLS .. waiting in front of Congress relating to ALL military personnel .. including Vietnam Vets, They are still waiting. Congress needs to FULFILL the promises made.. That's a Welcome Back !! VETERANS LIVES MATTER !!
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
PO3 Michael James - PO; I understand the difference between the way the military views Vietnam Vets and the way the government views them.

I just thought that the event could use a bit of free publicity (and the idea of a Base PIO being deluged with eMails to pass on to the Vets sort of appealed to me).

I don't know who said it first, but they had it right "Vietnam - great soldiers, rotten war.".
PO3 Michael James
PO3 Michael James
>1 y
COL Ted Mc - I too agree, I hope you have an overwhelming response to the Ceremony.. Thank you, Fort Riley Community and The 1st Infantry Division for the invites.. Hoping you have a great turn-out.
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SPC Gregory B Morris Sr
That great. What has this is not a nation wide event? I am still waiting for this to take place. I DOR from Fort Riley. I did not know of this event.
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