Posted on Oct 30, 2015
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
Freedom of speech is a guaranteed right for all United States citizens, in accordance with the Constitution. However, members of the military do face certain context-based restrictions on how they exercise that right.

Limits to Free Speech

Article 88 of the UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. 888, makes it a crime for a commissioned military officer to use contemptuous words against the President and Congress, among others. The Department of Defense has also expanded this rule to include all military enlisted personnel (DOD Directive 1344.10). During the Monica Lewinsky scandal, two enlisted members of the military were formally reprimanded for using e-mails to mock President Clinton. Presidents Lincoln, Truman, Carter, Bush, and Obama have all decided to reprimand or remove high ranking officers for public comments that undermine or disobey presidential policy.

Other limits to military free speech include acting disrespectfully to a superior officer, insubordinate conduct, willful disobedience, conduct unbecoming an officer, and conduct prejudicial to good order (bringing disrepute onto themselves and the service) and more. These rules are more accurately described as codes of conduct than limits to free speech.

Free Speech and the Constitution

“Free speech” as enshrined in the First Amendment raises intriguing issues for the military. In 1968, twenty-seven enlisted military men were arrested for violating military rules against otherwise free speech. The group continued their activities in a San Francisco Army stockade, where they essentially went on strike, and demanded free access to the press and civilian lawyers. Another case in 1968 resulted in an officer being arrested and convicted for attacking President Johnson as a “fascist," even though he was not on active duty but a reserve officer.

The recently repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Act (DADT) was a good example of a military policy that many in military service have strong opinions about, but feel they cannot express these opinions usefully without harming their team or mission cohesion.


Many national polling organizations regularly interview members of the military, such as the Roper or Gallup polling groups. The Stars and Stripes is an official military publication, which helps preserve and improve military morale by offering brutally frank free-speech forums. The existence and continuation of these forums is officially encouraged by the presence of an Ombudsman, who has unique freedom of speech as a surrogate for all soldiers’ desires to be heard.

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Responses: 12
SSG Warren Swan
Edited >1 y ago
TSgt I would be under the assumption that RP is a forum for free speech provided that each person knows their limits or the ramifications of what their free speech can have towards their careers or future job prospects. Everything comes with a consequence.
SSgt Quality Assurance Evaluator
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Well said. Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences.
SSG Warren Swan
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Cpl Sarah Mast
You always have free speech, regardless of where you are. The thing is that you always have consequences, too, and THOSE vary. Smart people check the consequences of their speech in a certain location before opening their mouths.

Rallypoint, specifically, may have the consequence of affecting your career. You're still free to speak your mind, just accept the consequences.
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
>1 y
THANK-YOU Cpl Sarah Mast!...
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
9 y
POTUS OBUMA.. Hear this!!!...
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SSG Todd Halverson
Yes it is a free forum. But, those that are still in the Military must understand that what they say or do on here can have an effect on their career.
When you took your oath, you did give up some of your freedoms that the general public can exercise. So, all I can say is post what your rank can afford, or your pocketbook.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
Staff I agree with you, but this "When you took your oath, you did give up some of your freedoms" is gonna start a whole line of BS with the "I didn't give up any of my rights when I enlisted" crap.
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
>1 y
You are under "Uncle's" house and dime... oh yeah... but there is always a "choice" physically, morally, ethically, spiritually... to do the right thing...
SSG Todd Halverson
SSG Todd Halverson
>1 y
SSG Warren Swan - my response to them would be "Stuck it up buttercup, you should have paid close attention to the oath you took. "
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