Posted on Apr 17, 2014
RP profile picture; thoughts on current photo versus military photo for veterans?
Which would be better? Current one or military (uniformed) one?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 27
I just changed my picture to reflect my admiration of LTC (Join to see). But I needed the assistance of a dang pencil!
I say whatever boats your float! Hey, we could have throw back weeks where all us "used to be's" change out our current picture for a past picture. Then we could all change to the "unknown SM" icon for laughs.
CMDCM Gene Treants
If I have to go back 37 years that means I have to find one as a First Class Petty Officer. Wonder If I can? Wow, I must be getting Old!
1LT (Join to see)
Made me think of the movie "Up" sir. But at least we know you had an awesome talking dog.
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