Pentagon Considers Ban On CrossFit Workout Program
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Defense Department is considering a proposal to ban the controversial CrossFit workout program for all military members, citing the lack of a full evaluation of the exercise plan and an approved program doctrine, Duffel Blog has learned.
The exercise program — a mixture of resistance, calisthenics and aerobic exercises which stresses variation and repetition — has become wildly popular over the last decade, as many troops have become vigorous practitioners of the CrossFit lifestyle and military units have even adopted CrossFit as their official physical training plan.
In an internal memo leaked to reporters, the Pentagon outlines how it would stop military members from doing CrossFit, even in their private time.
“Service members who own personal Crossfit-specific equipment must turn it in, and receive a receipt, at their major unit supply activities within 30 days of receipt of this action,” the memo reads. “Service members with membership in private CrossFit gyms must cancel their membership and receive written cancellation notice which they will turn in to major unit administrative activities for collection and verification within 15 days of this action.”