Posted on Oct 5, 2015
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
The global balance of power is not what it has been. Things in Syria are heating up. What might a proxy war between the United States and Russia look like?
Posted in these groups: 1ed105b8 RussiaIraq war WarfareUs flag 48 stars.svg United States
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Responses: 5
CW4 John Beebe, BS, DML
All fantastic and motivating comments. One must continue to remember that the pivot point in any conflict (beyond that of hardware superiority, which we have) is two-fold. 1. The will of the warfighter to continue the fight until complete and 2. The support of the nation behind the warfighter. Without leadership that is committed, the American people will be segregated into little groups that support from not-at-all to fully backing the military efforts. This makes all the difference. No issue is there in the competencies of the military leadership to prosecute a conflict, it is the two key parts of political and national support that hold number one above in place. Remember the end of Viet Nam. Our warriors, regardless of their role were deemed baby killers and war criminals by a small group of people that got news coverage as if they represented the entire US. The same paradigm exists today. We have the hardware and the right people to win, we have high reluctance with our allies (that has eroded significantly over the last 6 years) to participate with us, our enemies are empathized with by our top national political leadership. This is a dangerous time to have to face a country that has leadership committed to gaining the upper hand. I truly sympathize with our General Officers in doing their jobs. God Bless you all!!!
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
9 y
Great points, Chief.
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MSgt James Mullis
The real question to ask is which side would be willing to lose rather than go nuclear?
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SSG Program Control Manager
Russia is taking a huge risk here, and I'm of the opinion we should ensure it doesn't pay off. I would focus on pounding Al Assads forces around the Russians into the dirt so that Russia can deal directly with being overwhelmingly outnumbered by Daesh and other Anti-Assad forces.
SFC Everett Oliver
SFC Everett Oliver
9 y
I believe Putin is making his moves now before we have any real leadership in Washington...
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