Posted on Oct 4, 2015
Have you heard of these very successful high school dropouts?
Responses: 2
My father did not finish HS, he did get his GED while in the Navy, and was very successful.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Yea but a lot of high school dropouts are not successful .. but the 11 in this article are to be respected for what they achieved ...But are theses rich high school dropouts really successful?? I know so called highly successful billionaires who appear on CNBC seem to be miserable people who keep warning the end is near or we are all doomed and we are in for another deep depression... I would think that successful Billionaires would not play the fear game or just be full of BS..
Successful is a nebulous term... you don't have to be rich to be successful...I just read an Army CWO5's Bio with 36+ years of service.. That to me is an example of success & he served in Vietnam... And probably never talks about it..
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