Posted on Apr 12, 2014
SSG Philip Cotton
I know that many service members are looking for changes in policy that allows all service members to carry handguns on base.&nbsp;<br><br><div>Should there be annual Re-qual?<br>Should weapons training be conducted every six month?<br><br></div>
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Responses: 9
LTC Program Manager
I think the easiest to implement system would be to remove the prohibition for those with civilian carry permits to carry on base and follow the state law. This would fix the issue for most bases. If we wanted 100% of bases to allow carry we could require soldiers who want to carry to have a permit from a state and make it valid on all military bases even if not valid in the state the base is in.
MSgt Darren VanDerwilt
MSgt Darren VanDerwilt
>1 y
Some states have "Constitutional" carry, which in my opinion is the gold standard. However, training in the use of deadly force should be, as a minimum, mandatory for all military personnel.
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1SG Nick Baker
Arm the SD, SDNCO, CQ, and runners. This gives a battalion a reactionary force. Gives a whole new meaning to fire guard. This will require training.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
9 y
When I joined the rifle racks were mostly open it the barracks. We could take them out disassemble, clean reassemble and function test them. We did not have ammunition unless on duty requiring it, like payroll guard, or range fire. But they were weapons and could be used as clubs, or like the later pugil sticks(without padding). When I went to Europe, we did not face the terrorists of today. But if there were security alerts the arms came out. Now in the middle of the war on terror to deny our servicemen and women the right to protect themselves is unconscionable. This PC BS has to go! Training needs to be improved and continuous until our military is proficient, safe, and qualified with their weapons.I was stationed in Germany. The Germans had very strict gun laws. They could buy a gun, but when they picked it up they had to have a policeman there to check out the gun, then the policeman and the gun owner went to a shooting club where both of them had to be members. The gun owner had to have a locker to the fire arm(s) and ammunition in. The only time the owner could handle the gun was on a shooting day when the police members were to check the guns out and back in. Yet every cab driver I encountered had a loaded pistol, when they had to use it they called out a code over the cab radio, another cab would drive by with its window open, the pistol was tossed into the other cab which drove off. Violent crime was high! I visited my relatives in Norway while I was stationed in Germany. The Norwegians were issued a "personal weapon" when they entered basic training. This weapon was selected to give them training with the weapon they would in their specialty. It might be a semi auto, or selective fire pistol, carbine, rifle, or a sub machine gun. The weapon was used in basic training, advanced training, and finally at their assigned unit. The same weapon issued to them at basic followed them to advanced training, and their duty station. When they separated their personal weapon went home with them! The government issued targets, practice and qualification ammunition, and range passes to keep them proficient with their weapon. Violent crime was very low, no one wanted to face a trained qualified marksman in his own home! Our government passes law after law to try to restrict our second amendment rights. But the politicians exempt themselves and their "ENTITLED" contributors from these laws. Plus they never allocate funds to enforce them or designate who is responsible to enforce them. All unfunded and unenforced laws should be automatically repealed! All new legislation should have to cite the Constitutional Authority for the law, cite the amount, source of funding, and agency responsible for enforcing the new law. If in the future "fiscal constraints" remove funding to enforce the law, it must be automatically repealed!
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SGT William Howell
The unintended consequences of allowing any law abiding citizen the right to carry is that crime diminishes. Proven fact. Just look at crime rates of any state before and after they allow concealed carry and you can see for yourself.
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