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Responses: 6
SSG Warren Swan
1. "she does not have a track record of accomplishment".... Not a Hillary fanboy, but Making it into the Senate and chosen as SECSTATE is an accomplishment. You can speculate for years on how she did it, but it was done.
2. “As a woman, I have to say I find it quite insulting when Democrats talk about women’s issues,” Rather weird being that Huckabee, Rubio, Bush, Carson, Trump, etc have ALL talked about women's issues, but they're republican. I know it's politics, but you just left a door wide open that someone will come in on. Should've narrowed it down to someone specific, and left Hillary out of that being she IS a woman (here come the jokes).
3. The video she claims to have seen that factcheckers have said doesn't exist and those that did the taping haven't confirmed will come back to bite.
4. Her tenure at HP wasn't the best. Watch what stones you throw on accomplishments.
5. I want a clean fight. Tap gloves and go to your corner....are you ready...are you ready....LET'S FIGHT!!
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
Edited 9 y ago
They would be great TV if they end up debating each other next year
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SSG Program Control Manager
I don't have a hard time envisioning a Sanders defeat of Clinton or Fiorina... I'm actually more worried about someone like Jeb Bush who can easily shift to the center. If Sanders is able to paint his Republican competition as being as far to the right as he is to the left, he will win. If Sanders is painted as far to the left, by a candidate who can get folks to believe they are a centrist in the general election, he will lose.
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