Job/Skill Training

Job/Skill Training

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SPC Kevin Pora

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Job skills training programs are often available to qualifying individuals free of charge through colleges and community organizations. With the introduction of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the federal government created various programs, including the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title 1 Adult Workforce Program, the WIA Title 1 Dislocated Workers Program and the WIA Title 1 Youth Program, to help low-income and underprivileged youth and adults in need of education and job skills training. Programs are also in place to help the eligible elderly, as well as many other types of students seeking new skills.

Important Facts About Job Skills Training

Program Goals
Immediate employment in a new field and/or skills update
Degree/Certificate Levels
Mainly certificates, either standard undergraduate options through colleges or non-credit training formats
Some programs require a high school diploma or its equivalent, but not all
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How to determine if this degree is for you

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Most recent contributors: SPC Kevin Pora

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