Posted on Dec 6, 2020
LTC Battalion Commander
Fairly new to the National Guard. I came over from the Marine Corps as a major. I’m on this year’s reserve component LTC board. I’m ILE complete. Enrolled in AOC. Have a civilian master’s degree. I will let blu have two OERs from the Army. I have no bad paperwork from the Marine Corps. By dates I am above zone on promotion, but have never been looked at by an Army board before. Does the Army publish promotion statistics for reserve components? What would stop me from being promoted? Any thoughts from anyone?
Posted in these groups: Armymaj MAJB647c975 LTCA0ac0c37 Guard
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SGM Jeff Mccloud
What will stop you from DA select for LTC:
bad paper (referred OER or AER, GOMAR, etc)
ILE not complete,

What will stop you from promoting to LTC after DA select:
No vacant O5 13A, O1A or O2A positions in your state.
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LTC Daren Walker
MAJ Cannon,
I can't speak definitively for the National Guard, but from an Army Reserve perspective, you would be selected. The biggest discriminator for non-selects is failure to complete 100% ILE Common Core. Promotion results are published on HRC's site at the following link:
Within each board result link, there are two files; one for the actual by-name list, and the other a copy of the MOI to board members. In a majority, but not all of the the board MOI files, the promotion statistics for below, primary, and above the zone are included.
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CPT Staff Officer
I understand the promotion lists are published as MILPER's.

It sounds like you are green across the board. I know I'm only a CPT, but I'm 48 and recently have been toiling over how I'm going to get to LTC before age 60 (probably wont). From what it reads like you checked all the boxes I am pursuing myself. Being above the zone with a master's and ILE out of the way would sound like a lock.

In that regard, I speculate, having come from outside the NG you might not be administratively on anyone's Radar for promotions.

If I was in your position, I would reach out to my Career Management Office for your particular branch and inquiry about the latest round of LTC boards. I know there are regulations that will permit you to back track if you were not administratively at fault depending why you were overlooked.

Good Luck Sir
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