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US Army Training & Doctrine Command
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US Army Training & Doctrine Command
Posted on Jul 22, 2015
Any tips on making the transition from FORSCOM to TRADOC?
I recently PCS'd from a FORSCOM unit to TRADOC as an instructor and the challenges were immediately evident. I would like to hear from SM's that have been in the same situation and their experiences, both positive and negative.
Posted in these groups: TRADOC

Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
Posted >1 y ago
Embrace the suck. Know that you are under he microscope even more. Consider it an office environment and obide by the rules of a gender friendly, private friendly, micro managed civilian job. Even as a Drill I feel out of the loop and I do Army things every day. You can stand out. When you do contribute it is usually on a greater level. I'm talking DA level. So attack the beast from the inside.
Posted >1 y ago
TRADOC is definitely not FORSCOM. Just don't get involved with new Soldiers, learn the regulations and policies, most of all don't get lazy. If you need to finish a degree or civilian certifications, this is a good time.
SSG Robert Webster
>1 y
This is excellent advice. Especially about the degree or certification completion.
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Ssg Shawn foster I am not tradoc but I on Gordon too. I totally agree. It is a different ball game. When we get to fort Gordon we get some of the same briefs about this being tradoc and about the new Soldiers.
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Also I went from being in europe to forcecom on fort Gordon and it was a big change. (35th Sig brigade) now I am in Inscom and but still same rules just different generals.
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