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Responses: 6
MSG Frank Kapaun
Donald Trump can be a grade a son of a bitch. That said, sometimes it takes a grade a son of a bitch to get the task at hand accomplished. After 8 years of this nation being led by the consummate beta male Dear Leader O’Bumbles, it is refreshing to see a grade a son of a bitch run things for a while.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
6 y
He has the same temperment problem Obama has when it comes to disagreeing with someone. The difference is Trump Tweets about it publicly and lambasts people whereas Obama pouted privately and would never invite the person disagreeing with him back to the decision meeting on the specific item. Both approaches have the same effect of generating opposition unnecessarily. Obama's approach pissed off less people in the long run. Agree he has got things done and I think if anyone can finally balance the budget again it will be him, if he gets a second term.
MSG Frank Kapaun
MSG Frank Kapaun
6 y
You made some valid points. Obama was also a creature created by the media and had the thinnest resume accomplishment wise of any President. The media fawned over him. POTUS Trump garnered a lot of mileage out of reality tv and his appearances on Fox & Friends.
SGT Kevin Berman
SGT Kevin Berman
6 y
SPC Erich Guenther - Disagreeing with you, President Obama made some fairly public pouts (I won, Elections have consequences, 'cling to their guns...". Obama also quite a few surrogates that he can count on to say disparaging comments.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 6 y ago
Agree with the General. You have the basic immorality outlined in the "Art of the Deal" not once but several times over. Donald Trump feels it is OK to mislead people in order to achieve a goal. I have a fundamental disagreement with that approach on the part of a politician or businessman. As a country I think both political parties have to move away from the "anything to win" standard they approach elections with and re-establish a benchmark where we only nominate moral and ethical people for political office. I am not talking about a perfect past history either (of regretted mistakes or accidental transgressions), I am talking about people that embrace honesty and ethics NOW and going forwards as they stand for political office or stand in a political campaign. We should reject people that disdain ethics and honesty as obstacles to be overcome or circumvented. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has lowered the bar even further than past political candidates, and now we can look forward to even further debasement of our political standards with some of the candidates that are choosing to run in 2020. So at some point the country has to stand up and set a baseline standard here or it will be a race for the gutter in order to find the "anyone that will win" the next election.

Where I disagree with the General is he did not contrast Trump with past political candidates like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Gary Hart, Hillary Clinton, etc. I seriously believe if the Democrats fielded a candidate other than Hillary Clinton, Trump would never have been the front runner on the Republican side. His election was a NEGATIVE reaction of close to 50% of the electorate towards a bad choice made by the Democratic Party. When one political party embraces "anything to win", it is only logical the other party will do the same to keep competitive in the political race.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
I wonder if Trump's belief that he knows more about ISIS will lead him to make rash decisions.
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