Posted on Jan 30, 2014
SFC Randy Purham
<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">

</font><p style="margin: 0in 0in 8pt;"><font face="Calibri"><font size="3"><font color="#000000">NOT TO START A DEBATE OR ARGUMENT: But, in my observations I
noticed 4 kinds of leaders/soldiers. These categories are not all inclusive:
1.) Line Leader – Always in hurry mode, doesn’t mind getting dirty, likes to
work late hours for the most part, doesn’t really care for politics/bureaucracy
or chain of commands, just wants to get missions/jobs done. 2.) Field Leader –
Always wants to be outside, whether motor pool, range or in the woods to train.
Not too fond of paperwork, happy with their rucksack and duffle bag, and
training. 3.) The Corporate Leader – always in the office or building, knows
every computer program/software, knows all the regulations and policies, orchestrated
their office/job to where only they know how to get stuff or find something.
4.) The Universal Leader – has no problem with doing any of the previous 3
depending on the day of the week where it may apply. Monday in the motor pool,
Tuesday in the company area for meetings, classes, etc. Wednesdays perhaps the
same or other administrative stuff, Thursdays and Fridays getting some training
in and closing out the week by staying late.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp;
</span>Take a look at not only yourself, but the other leaders around you and
you can almost categorize them based on these 4 categories. Something to think
about. A little humorous too. <span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp;</span></font></font></font></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">

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Responses: 4
CW2 Training Nco
Edited >1 y ago
A great overview of some of us leaders. I can see where leaders change either by week or months. One week all about training and the following week all about records and document.
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SFC Robert Trodahl
Dang, I see myself in your list. Love 1 and 2, hate 3.
SPC Squad Member
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC, I couldn't agree more with you. Can I reclass and transfer to your unit?
SFC Robert Trodahl
SFC Robert Trodahl
>1 y
Lol, you wouldn't like it. Its is an Instructor job, more of 3, less 1&2.
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SFC Retired
I definitely see my self in #s 1 and 2. I hate being #3, which is probably why my leadership put me in an OPS NCO position. Got to be technically proficient too. It's in a Creed or something.

Something else I'd like to add in, my very first squad leader, when I was a young 11B told me there are 3 types of NCOs.
1. The Stripe Wearer- this person just wanted the pay raise. Doesn't really want the responsibility of leading Soldiers.
2. The Sergeant- this person just wants to yell at Soldiers and tell them what to do. Doesn't/can't actually lead them.
3. The NCO- This person embodies the NCO Creed. Can and will lead Soldiers in whatever job is given. Yes he fails sometimes, but know how to take responsibility and become a better leader.

I'm sure I'm missing something in there, but that the basic of what I remember. I think it's a pretty good description.
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