Posted on Aug 4, 2021
Since no regimental crest exists for Public Affairs personnel, what should I be wearing on my uniform?
When I came into my PA unit, I took off my MP RDI and they gave me an AG RDI... Recently, it's been brought up that we should not be wearing the AG RDI.
As there is no regimental crest that public affairs falls under per se, question is... What should we be wearing?
(Posed especially by those in the unit who have only ever been PA; there is no previous crest for them to wear, and some have worn the AG crest for 20+ years.)
As there is no regimental crest that public affairs falls under per se, question is... What should we be wearing?
(Posed especially by those in the unit who have only ever been PA; there is no previous crest for them to wear, and some have worn the AG crest for 20+ years.)
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
According to The Institute Of Heraldry
Regimental Insignia
There is no regimental insignia for Public Affairs. Personnel assigned to Public Affairs are affiliated based on their assigned branch.
So what is your assigned branch? What were you prior to being assigned to PA duty?
Regimental Insignia
There is no regimental insignia for Public Affairs. Personnel assigned to Public Affairs are affiliated based on their assigned branch.
So what is your assigned branch? What were you prior to being assigned to PA duty?
SSG (Join to see)
I was an MP originally. Yet, there are personnel who've always been public affairs and have worn that AG crest for their entire career (if erroneously). So, those of us who have re-classed into PA have an answer I suppose. I guess the meat of the question is for those who were always PA. If you were "born" PA, what do you wear? Should they wear nothing in the place of the RDI?
SFC Michael Hasbun
SSG (Join to see) - bear in mind you can request affiliation with ANY regiment you've been assigned to, it doesn't have to be your MOS aligned Regiment.
AR 670-1
21–24. Insignia Representing Regimental Affiliation
a. Authorization. Insignia used to represent regimental affiliation consists of either the RDI or DUI of a design approved by TIOH. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch/corps/special branch, as determined by PMOS or specialty. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or they may be
approved to wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving or previously served successfully. See DA Pam 670-1 for approval process to wear the DUI to demonstrate regimental affiliation.
DA PAM 670-1
21–24. Insignia representing regimental affiliation
a. Authorization. AR 670–1 authorizes insignia used to represent regimental affiliation to consist of either the RDI or DUI. A Soldier’s regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch, corps, or special branch as determined by PMOS or specialty. A Soldier’s regimental affiliation using a DUI is based on a unit in which the Soldier is serving or previously successfully served. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or may wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving
AR 670-1
21–24. Insignia Representing Regimental Affiliation
a. Authorization. Insignia used to represent regimental affiliation consists of either the RDI or DUI of a design approved by TIOH. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch/corps/special branch, as determined by PMOS or specialty. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or they may be
approved to wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving or previously served successfully. See DA Pam 670-1 for approval process to wear the DUI to demonstrate regimental affiliation.
DA PAM 670-1
21–24. Insignia representing regimental affiliation
a. Authorization. AR 670–1 authorizes insignia used to represent regimental affiliation to consist of either the RDI or DUI. A Soldier’s regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch, corps, or special branch as determined by PMOS or specialty. A Soldier’s regimental affiliation using a DUI is based on a unit in which the Soldier is serving or previously successfully served. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or may wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving
SSG (Join to see)
Interesting to learn about requesting regimental affiliation, thank you for that SFC.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SSG (Join to see) - you're very welcome. Regimental Affiliation is just one of those little things that most people outside of Combat Arms never mess with. It wasn't until the latest 670-1 revision that support MOS's had the option to regimentally align based on assignment history. The only reason I'm even tracking it is because I'm a uniform/awards dork...
PAO "born" Soldiers wear the AG crest because that is what is issued at DINFOS during AIT. Public Affairs in the Army has no regimental insignia or branch assigned (as officers only serve in a PAO role as a broadening assignment not a career field) so you can either wear the AG crest (as most PAO folks do), your unit's RDI (if assigned to a non-PAO specific unit like a brigade or division Public Affairs Section), or continue wearing the MP regimental insignia as you still hold that MOS as a secondary.
SSG (Join to see)
That's what some have said of their time at DINFOS sir. As an MOS-T at DINFOS, I didn't get any accoutrements. Yet, it's a Soldier in ALC right now who was told that no PA should be wearing the AG RDI. Seems clear as mud.
CPT (Join to see)
It's typically the MOS-I's that get told to wear AG. I don't recall any of the MOS-T's who weren't prior 46's wearing or being given AG crests. Definitely clear as mud lol.
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