Posted on May 29, 2024
SGT Kevin Hughes
Ever have an odd memory that you thought would make a wonderful scene in a Movie? Well, here's my odd memory. I guess because we were chatting on one of the Posts about Nuns. I grew up around them. And I grew up in the inner city. One of a dozen "tough" neighborhoods. Not dangerous like today's neighborhoods...tough kids. Not dirty. Everyone had been in scraps of some sort or another. Bullies abounded.
So one day when I was about six or seven, I was carrying my Mom's groceries home in my little wagon with the wooden sides. Across the street from us, a Bully about fifteen or sixteen was wailing on a poor kid about ten or so. The Bus Stopped and we couldn't see what was happening on the other side of the street. My Mom was already yelling at the Bully to stop, and ready to run across the street to confront them. (She wasn't afraid...she was mad.) As soon as the Bus moved though, this is the scene we saw:

A half dozen Nuns who looked like Penguins in their Black Robes, and White Horseshoe Headgear, had their umbrellas out. A couple of them were stabbing the bully with them, the rest of them were using their umbrellas like baseball bats and taking swings that would have made Babe Ruth proud. One nun had the little kid behind her, and her umbrella out in front in the "En garde" position.
The bully stumbled, fell, and was hidden for second as he was pummeled by flashing umbrellas and furious swats from some truly angry Nuns. He finally got his feet and fled.
My Mother yelled out across the street:
"Thank you , Sisters!"
One of them yelled back: "Just doing the Lord's work."
And maybe that is why I have a soft spot for Nuns even to this day.
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Responses: 4
CPL Douglas Chrysler
I was going to say I always thought my mom was an only child until you described your mother.
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
4 mo
Fearless. There is no doubt in my mind that my Mom would have crossed that street. I have no clue, at six years old, and as small as a toddler - what I was supposed to do to help. Maybe bite his ankle? But if Mom was going was I.
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GySgt Jack Wallace
Good story outcome:))
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SrA Ronald Moore
The bully deserved it
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