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Responses: 126
MSgt Chad Bunch
This stolen Valor thing is getting out of hand! I had a friend that is retired Air Force and he was wearing his ball cap that said retired Air Force and a couple of Airman came up to him at Wall Mart and started accusing him of stolen valor saying he was to young to be retired! He shut them up real quick by pulling out his retired ID! These Stolen Valor rangers need to tone it down!!
MSG William Hesser
MSG William Hesser
>1 y
SSgt George Fallon - The 'one-upmanship' is always at the forefront especially with the Rear Echelon non combatants. You just sit back and give that little smile of knowing the level of BS being 'spewed' out for all uninformed to hear.
On occasion, being in the Special Forces, when we were doing joint training with other units that didn't have the level of experience or training as we did, we would often sit around and do the typical BS (some of it based on fact and some based on fiction) and watch the 'jaws drop' and the 'eyes widen'. We all would get a good laugh out of it.
When I was on my first tour in Vietnam, when I was with the 1st Bde of the 101st, myself and two other's of our unit got to go back to our main base camp, which we hadn't seen in nearly 10 months, to do some training on a new piece of equipment that the Army was looking at fielding. While there we got to go to the little 'outdoor theater' to see a movie, which we hadn't seen since we were at the base camp. While trying to watch the movie, there were some REMF's several rows of 'sand bag' seats behind us arguing on how trough each one had and which one had it the worst.
I finally had enough of their crap and stood up and turned around and told them that if felt that they had it so bad, they could come back up to the forward base camp with me and go be my 'ammo bearer' on my machine gun crew and get a feel of who really has is so bad. They immediately shut up and sat down and didn't say another word.
Sgt Robert Jolley
Sgt Robert Jolley
>1 y
Give it a fucking rest! Do what you do and hold your head high, but stop with the bitching about "stolen valor". What you or I did during our time in the military can never be stolen.
PO1 Raymond Sauter
PO1 Raymond Sauter
>1 y
Agreed! I often wear a USS Ronald Reagan ball cap and people ask me about my service and whether I actually served aboard that ship. I tell them it wasn’t yet commissioned in the 80s but that Ronald Reagan was damn sure my Commander-in-Chief! A fact I am quite proud of as a matter of fact! No one has ever tried to say “stolen valor” but I am ready for any pipsqueak punk who tries! I bought mine at the gift shop of the USS Midway museum in San Diego where any other visitor (Navy Veteran or not) can purchase one!

I don’t like people who talk up crap about their military service and likely anyone bragging about heroics is a damn liar! Those who are the REAL DEAL are usually quite humble and often reluctant to speak out!
PO1 Michael Sarkisian
PO1 Michael Sarkisian
>1 y
BULL, this has to be addressed. These schmucks tell their fairytales in order to gain something. Something they didn't earn! And something many of our brothers and sisters will never get a chance to benefit from.
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SFC Counterintelligence (CI) Agent
The guy who recorded the video has no clue about stolen valor. I wish veterans and servicemembers like this guy would ACTUALLY read the federal law(s) before accusing someone of violating it, and then going on to commit slander against an innocent person.

False stolen valor videos are a pet peeve of mine. I've seen Vets tell civilians they can't wear unofficial t-shirts with Parachutists Badge graphics, because it was stolen valor... Then, because I defended the citizen's right to wear the clothing, explaining the stolen valor laws, some folks then tried to come after me for not understanding the sensitivity of the issue, because they assumed I was just another non-serving civilian who hadn't earned the wings themselves. In there minds, if you don't blindly support them, then you must not have served or aren't still active...
1stSgt Eugene Harless
1stSgt Eugene Harless
>1 y
Yes spot on. I absolutely hate Stolen Valor and have been active in helping out phonies. You have to pick your battles and know what you are talking about. However " Stolen Valor" what is going on here.
There is a HUGE difference in just being a liar and doing something that can you be prosecuted for. A guy who walks up to you in the park and claims he was a Member of SEAL team 27 in Vietnam in 1986 is stealing valor, but if you think he will be locked up for it,, well it ain't going to happen.
If the Same person also never served and forged a DD214 to get VA benefits he will probably go to jail for fraud alone. Stolen Valor is just another charge they can add, but most times they never do.
SSG Brent Reck
SSG Brent Reck
>1 y
No doubt about it! I hate to sound like that “grumpy old vet” but I think there are a lot of kids 1. Over emphasizing their service record and 2. Looking for fame
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
I don’t understand why someone would want to wear a tshirt representing something they didn’t accomplish. I won’t even wear a tournament t shirt if I didn’t work the tournament.
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SGT Jim Arnold
I wouldnt call this stolen valor just the ramblings of a liar. just give him a "yeah right" glance and keep stepping
1stSgt Eugene Harless
1stSgt Eugene Harless
>1 y
It's stolen valor, however what he did would not fall under the SV act of 2013.
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