Posted on May 13, 2016
What is the doctrinal symbol for Key or Decisive Terrain, and what doctrinal publication are you referencing?
MIL-STD-2525 does not mention it, nor does ADRP 1-02.
JP 2-01.3 illustrates a K in a purple circle, but no number.
ATP 2-01.3/MCRP 2-3A illustrates a Kn or Dn (where n is the corresponding number) but is absent of color.
Shouldn't it be a purple K or D, and a corresponding number, inside a purple circle? Why or why not?
JP 2-01.3 illustrates a K in a purple circle, but no number.
ATP 2-01.3/MCRP 2-3A illustrates a Kn or Dn (where n is the corresponding number) but is absent of color.
Shouldn't it be a purple K or D, and a corresponding number, inside a purple circle? Why or why not?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
As you can see from the imagery, the key terrain for this mission is the enemy fuel resupply site. That's right, people, our objective is the circle K.
FM 34-130 Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield & FM 101-5-1 Operational Terms and Graphics are your (initial) References.
The "Purple K" is correct. Since it is LOCAL Commander based, the Numbers "may or may not" be present.
The MIL-STD-2525 works in conjunction with the above but applies to Units/Equipment/Facilities as opposed to "overlays" (not a perfect explanation, but go with it).
The "Purple K" is correct. Since it is LOCAL Commander based, the Numbers "may or may not" be present.
The MIL-STD-2525 works in conjunction with the above but applies to Units/Equipment/Facilities as opposed to "overlays" (not a perfect explanation, but go with it).
MAJ (Join to see)
Good call on FM 34-130, however that is no longer an active publication (Neither is FM 101-5-1). It also doesn't explicitly say use purple, just to use something that "pops". There is currently a change proposal being drafted to include Key and Decisive Terrain (circled Ks and Ds) in MIL-STD-2525.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
MAJ (Join to see) - Check. Those were the root (originating) pubs for the process. When we went "electronic" (MIL-STD-2525) A LOT got misplaced (not exactly right word, but gets the point across).
Much of it boiled down to "Common Practice" supplementing the Standards, Instructions, and Manuals. The "Purple K" is a great example (color that Pops)
Much of it boiled down to "Common Practice" supplementing the Standards, Instructions, and Manuals. The "Purple K" is a great example (color that Pops)
MAJ (Join to see)
Does Key Terrain have an affiliation?
Key Terrain: Any locality, or area, the seizure or retention of which affords a marked
advantage to either combatant.
Decisive Terrain (not in JP 1-02) is identified specifically by the commander and therefore should be the same color as any other graphic control measure which uses affiliation.
Key Terrain: Any locality, or area, the seizure or retention of which affords a marked
advantage to either combatant.
Decisive Terrain (not in JP 1-02) is identified specifically by the commander and therefore should be the same color as any other graphic control measure which uses affiliation.
MAJ (Join to see)
CPT Joseph K Murdock - Obstacles are green. Friendly control measures are either blue/black.
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