Posted on Aug 27, 2014
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
A google glass wearer
You are at the Post Exchange around 1100hrs and spotted a Soldier wearing Google Glass on top of a prescription glass frame. The Soldier comes near you and looks at you strangely. As you continue to think, the Soldier informs you that they are recording you and that "what you say will go on YouTube, FaceBook, and sent to the Army Times" and informs you that "if you just walk away, nothing will happen". You out-rank the Soldier by 2 ranks levels.

What would you do in this situation? (Keep in mind that you are not a military police officer)

NOTE: Google Glass uses a cell-phone hotspot to communicate to the net, so technically.. the videos could be uploaded within 1 minute of the conversation.
Posted in these groups: Technology Technology
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 76
COL Jean (John) F. B.
Without knowing what the regulations says about such things (and I assume they say nothing), I will not offer my opinion on the "legality" of the soldier wearing the glasses. However, as far as the soldier threatening me by saying "just walk away and nothing will happen", I would demand his ID card, detain him, and call for the Military Police, or, possibly, simply get his info and report the incident to his chain of command. That comment constitutes insubordination and disrespect and no military leader, regardless of rank should simply walk away and ignore it.

In the situation you described, you did nothing to elicit that response from the soldier. His utterance of those words, in my opinion, were uncalled for and, as I stated, disrespectful.

Also, one does not have to be a "Military Police officer" to correct military personnel, regardless of where they are or what units they belong to. All military leaders are required to correct indiscipline, uniform violations, and other infractions... not only Military Police.

I confronted a soldier in the PX in Korea once and a Command Sergeant Major (CSM), who was standing nearby, told the young soldier that he had better listen-up because I was his "worst nightmare" in that I was not only an MP, but also a Colonel... :-)
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
10 y
SGT Lowe, the situation specifically described the entire situation, to include the disrespect and threat. At the end of the scenario description, he asked "what would you do", without limiting it to a discussion only about the glasses. The fact that the person was in uniform, wearing seemingly unauthorized glasses, was disrespectful and communicated a threat were all generic to the ensuing discussion.
1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
SGT Nate Lowe LOL! You're excused!
SGT Nate Lowe
SGT Nate Lowe
10 y
@COL Jean (John) F. Burleson I've said the scenario modification came after the OP's original post more than once. Not repeating myself again for another officer refusing to pay attention.@1SG Randakl McPherson LOL!! This is the Internet, you have no power here, directive denied. You both need to read up on internet etiquitte and thread hijacking, the OPs disatisfaction with this thread is well expressed if either one of you followed etiquitte and read the thread in its entirety. Oh wait thats right you're leaders, you're not held to the same standard as everyone else. Please forgive this peasant, I abase myself. Holy shit!!!! I had Privates with better manners. Dont waste your time formulating a reply, Im done with this sorry excuse for a military social network.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
10 y
There is really no need to get your panties in a knot SGT Lowe. You are free to your interpretations, opinions and comments, just like everyone else. As you are accusing people of wearing their rank on their sleeves (or collars) in the thread, you are apparently wearing your heart on your sleeve. It is just a friendly post.. Nothing more. Chill out....(That is just a recommendation.) :-)
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
"Holy crap! Your google glass just jumped off your face and landed under my foot! Sorry, your device's life insurance policy doesn't cover suicide."
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
10 y
Love your train of thought
SFC William Swartz Jr
SFC William Swartz Jr
10 y
^^^ possibly one of my most favorite movie NCOs of all times right there, Gunny Highway!!
PFC Thomas Bersch
PFC Thomas Bersch
10 y
My all time favorite Clint Eastwood movie. I also love the end 'bite me Major" as this must have been the thought going through Gunny Highway's mind.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
10 y
Smells like a Ben-Gay factory around here...
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SSG V. Michelle Woods
My response to the soldier, in my most emphatic and shrilly voice, "Oh my gosh! You're that guy from 'To Catch a Predator'!"

Then I'd grab my cell phone and record him...probably follow him around for about 7 minutes yelling out "hey this guy is from 'To Catch a Predator'!"

haha :)
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
SSG (Join to see) , that's a good way to spin the situation.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
10 y
Lol I assume you meant to tag me.
And thank you sir. Best way to combat creepers is to creep them back lol.
PFC Computer/Detection Systems Repairer
PFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Great laugh, however walking around with a cell phone out is also a no-go.
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