Posted on Dec 10, 2013
CPT Company Commander
It seems that the National Guard will be drastically affected by losing all it's Apaches to the Regular Army. I only fear this is the start. Will our Bradleys and Abrams be next. Will the Guard turn into a thrift shop for the Regular Army. I for one don't like to see this. My state has a Battalion of aviation that will be affected by this, if it goes through. So all the pilots that our state has will basically be out of a job or forced to fly something else. It would a major down grade. This will only worry States for lose of their equipment.

Or is this right. Should all guard units go light so they may mobilize quickly? Some states are already light and it takes very few resources to train with such a light force as compared to a Mechanized Brigade Combat Team. 
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Responses: 11
SFC James Baber
LT, you have been in long enough on the both sides of the rank structure to know changes always take place, this is not the 1st time this has happened, after Desert Storm, we went through a similar issue then as well. It will even it self out along the way, we just have to ride the storm out.
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
11 y
True but I am surprise that it pretty much is a bad deal for the Guard. The Active side got a helo that they can't use and so they are now giving to the guard and take what we have.
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
They ought to give the Guard little birds in return... if they're going to give us MORE Hawks, they ought to be Battlehawks.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
10 y
The state can clearly use their own money and turn a UH into a platform much like the AH60 that SOAR utilizes, but again, why does a state entity require an attack helicopter? TO deploy overseas? Is that the guard mission?
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
CW5 Sam R. Baker , you say "state entity" like the National Guard is on the same level as the highway patrol or state police, Sir. And yes, deploying overseas is part of the Guard mission. It has been for quite a long time. It is also each state's own military defense so it's only fair that they get the same stuff as Big Army. Kind of like the 2nd Amendment affords Americans the right to be armed in a manner consistent with govt agencies.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
10 y
There is no ill will in the assessment made. I have enjoyed every minute serving with the National Guard, unit pure or in augment positions, but not ALL active duty Divisions have the same assets. Should the 101 get tanks just because 1AD has them? The Chinook went through this cycle in the 1990s. If you are aware, 100% of every CH47 single blade was going to the National Guard until 2001 happened. There were only handful of divisions who had the aircraft. All of a sudden after 2002, every unit wanted some in side the formation. This is not about fairness, it is about MONEY on all sides. It will streamline the accounts of both entity's clearly. We have to more forward and this is merely change.
LTC Barry Hull
LTC Barry Hull
10 y
CW5 SAM B. A good idea to use state money to supplement but realistically unfeasible. Most state budget cannot begin to approach the DOD budget.
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I am two folded on this subject... 1) i don't like my state losing any assets or platforms because that takes away training and money both of which the NG/reserves are always hard pressed for... also causes a headache to the unit who has to re-class any SM's on incoming systems...2) on the flip side if all the birds were replaced with CH-47 or blackhawks then i can see the benefit to the other mission set of the NG which is emergency response these platforms are better suited to evac people... NC being on the Eastern sea board is in hurricane ally were really over due a big storm soon ( hope this doesn't happen!!) the birds would come in great use for getting people out...thoughts?
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