Posted on Dec 9, 2013
CSM Mike Maynard
If a Soldier is not due a Record APFT and takes a Diagnostic APFT, could the Cmd, by regulation, allow the Soldier to use the Diagnostic test as a Record test? Is there anything in the regulation that would prohibit that?
Posted in these groups: United states army logo ArmyP542 APFT
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Responses: 17
1SG First Sergeant
<p>CSM,</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>AR 350-1 states</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>"(2) Commanders may administer the APFT as often as they wish; however, they must specify beforehand when the results are for record." </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Seems pretty cut and dry. I did have a Soldier pose this same question to me once as the training NCO. My thought is if we change your diagnostic to a record because you did well could we also tell you it is a diagnostic and change it to a record if you do poorly. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Has to be the same standard across the board.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Spot on SSG Schmidt! Try not to make too much sense, you know the Army doesn't work that way LOL!
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1SG Frank Rocha

Fiction. As stated above by SSG Schmidt, and by extension the excerpt he cut and pasted from AR 350-1, the unit commander must specify beforehand whether the APFT will be for record or Diagnostic. the only exception is in the case of an APFT used for NCOES, in which case the APFT  can only be administered as a diagnostic APFT and is prohibited from being administered as a for record APFT.

The key words in the excerpt from AR 350-1 is "must" and "beforehand". "must", to me, indicates a strict requirement, not an optional requirement. "beforehand" furthermore gives us a timebase for that requirement. failure to specify beforehand, whether the APFT is diagnostic or for record, would constitute a clear violation of both the letter of the law, its intent, and could be cause to invalidate that APFT.
1SG Frank Rocha
1SG Frank Rocha
11 y
I would like to add a caveat to my above statement.

There is no requirement to indicate beforehand that it will be a diagnostic APFT. The requirement specified is only required in the event of a record APFT, not a diagnostic. However, in cases where it is unspecified beforehand, the APFT is a diagnostic and can NEVER be changed to a "for record" APFT. in order for it to be a "for record" APFT it "must" be specified "beforehand". Changing it to a record afterwards when it was not indicated beforehand would be the violation.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
The question does not add up. If the Soldier is not due one then why would they need to use the score. If you are implying that sometime after the diagnostic that the failed and the unit fell back on that diagnostic to give the Soldier credit, then the answer is no. It would also be unethical, and likely punishable. Thank you for your service.
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