Posted on Oct 23, 2014
SGM Robin Johnson
I have noticed a trend on RP and in comments to Army Times articles and on other boards: when discussing issues where religion is an issue many people make references which equate Christians with 'us' and Americans and Muslims with 'them' and non-Americans. I am not talking about the general populace, I am talking about Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coasties who presumably serve with a diverse group, have sworn to uphold the constitution (including freedom of religion), have aligned personal values with service values, and have had equal opportunity and diversity training. Most of them had to have served alongside people of all major religious groups, and may still do so. What do you make of the failure to recognize that many Americans, born and raised in this country and with as much right to 'own' this country as anyone else on the boards, are Muslim? When people say Muslims should 'go back to where they came from' do you think they realize that for many that would be Detroit or Chicago or another American city?
Posted in these groups: World religions 2 Religion
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Responses: 21
SFC Mark Merino
Judge not, that ye be not judged.

It is the actions that define a person, not their religion. I hope to live to 100 so I can make amends for all the wrong I have done during my lifetime. That being said, sleep well knowing that the thought of killing anyone who has a different point of view will NEVER enter my mind. The words radical, Muslim, and terrorism find themselves in the very same sentence, again and again and again. The ACT is the enemy. The perpetrator of the act is the enemy. The demographics of the enemy is a casualty of war. When Great Britain reports that over 500 people leave their country to wage war on behalf of ISIS, It is a perfectly viable question to ask "Why don't they just stay in the country that they return to." When a blanket statement of "all Muslims need to go back where they came from" that is absurd.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
SFC Mark Merino  Excellent take and 100 % correct!
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Other reasons why us vs. them is still an issue. Why are all these recent attacks being committed by US and now Canadian citizens that have converted to Islam? Why are the traitors leaving this continent to go to the middle east converting to Islam first and not going as Christians in order to join the "I Hate America" clubs? Why are the non-extremist Muslims doing little to nothing to disassociate themselves from the radical groups? Things like this IMHO keep people at bay and widen the gap.
SGM Robin Johnson
SGM Robin Johnson
10 y
But Sir, you do realize there are many American Muslims who love and embrace America, and many who protect America in uniform, don't you?
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
10 y
Of course I do SGM Robin Johnson, there are plenty of Muslims like all other religious and ethnic groups that are solid citizens.
SPC Christopher Morehouse
SPC Christopher Morehouse
10 y
Sgt Fouquier, actually I do. I am embarrassed that those groups you mention have twisted what I believe in into a message of hate, and openly express that their actions and beliefs do not represent what I nor most Christians believe.
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SPC Justin Cannon
Hsmkhan gravesite photo 082005
Abtaha valentine day 2006 photo 01
Jmahearn gravesite photo september 2007 001
SPC Justin Cannon
SPC Justin Cannon
10 y
I showed a lady one of these pictures today and as soon as she saw the name, she went crazy and started yelling...asking why he is buried in Arlington. I told her he was an American soldier and she was just stunned, as if she had never even heard of Muslims in the military.
Our own ranks spout some truly disgusting messages with either no regard or no knowledge of Muslims in their own uniforms. This whole crusader/infidel nonsense? Unless you were a Catholic you were getting slaughtered by Crusaders. I grew up Protestant... how could I ever associate myself with the same group that would have called me a heretic?
Absolute ignorance and misinformation thanks to those that read a little bit of something and just roll with it, or hear someone who they assume is in a leadership role and equate that person's stance with the majority.
I'm not surprised, because I was fed the same garbage and touted it like the gospel for many years. It's just frustrating to see good people not getting credit or not getting the coverage they deserve.
I went to the local mosque here in Lake Charles, Louisiana and the imam's sermon was an hour and a half of discussing how ISIS is leading people to hell. If there's something like 1.5 billion Muslims, and Islam was a violent and hateful religion, we'd all be dead.
Do we forget who is fighting against ISIS on the ground... or from who's airfields we deployed from?
Sorry for the tangent but people are just ridiculous.
SGM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
10 y
Greatly appreciate the posting of this photo. I Worshipped with several of these guys may they rest in peace.
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