Posted on May 20, 2014
Are the other services able to attend the Army NCO Academy?
I'm taking a college leadership course at the moment and there's an Army Platoon Sergeant in the course with me as well. Our class discussions have made me realize how much I dislike the Navy Petty Officer Leadership courses. With the discussion and my MSgt NCOIC currently at the Air Force NCOA in Mississippi(?), I began to wonder why the Navy doesn't have an NCO Academy (besides the Senior Enlisted one) and if other services are able to attend the Army/USAF Academies. None of the Army in the office at the moment are sure of the answer to my question so I figured I would bring it here.
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 2
Good question. I know on the officer side it is very competitive and rare. I know we had one Marine attend our Engineer Captains Career Course out of a class of 128. We had more foreign services send Captains and LTs to our class (roughly 8??). It would be very hard to get and you must be cream of the crop and work with your career manager/team to request and see the process. I know for ILE the Army has a very very very low number of slots for Marine ILE such as 1 per cycle or every year. It is very hard and not sure if it helps you stand out well within your peer group or if it counts just as much as anyone else completely your service's school.
In conversation with some Navy guys mostly Chiefs they say that the navy don't see the need for developing leaders at the junior levels because they rather focus on proficiency on their specialities. They want the junior guys to go themselves seeking higher education by completing college courses as far as leadership development there is no need because junior guys will never have a need to run individuals but rather shops and shifts and those are ran by the CPOs.
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which to me is just insane. In my last tour, I qualified to the point to where as an E-5, I was able to operationally be in charge of Chiefs and participate and give my two cents to the Commanding Officer. Yes Chiefs lead the shops, but in my opinion, they should only be doing so administratively. E-6 and E-5 should be the guys leading the work details and ensuring completion of the job. And in the long term of things, Chiefs don't last forever, its those junior guys who take their positions.
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