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Responses: 2
SFC Casey O'Mally
I went to AIT shortly after 9/11. One of my instructors was a MSG who had been on terminal leave and was recalled and her retirement rescinded. She was absolutely worthless. She refused to actually instruct a single module. Refused to answer questions from students. Refused to operate the simulator. Refused to update lesson plans. She showed up, sat at the back of the classroom, and occupied space.

Recalling folks who voluntarily left tends not to be a good idea - they left for a reason. Recalling folks who involuntarily left tends to not be a good idea, either - there is a reason they were booted.

The ONLY folks that may be good for recall is RCP folks (provided we waive RCP) or medical discharges that have since recovered / healed. And those are an exceptionally small minority.
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CSM Chuck Stafford
Not only would that be 'work' with expectations and accountability, in today's society it would be working for a seemingly dysfunctional organization
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