Looking to reclass to 35L after this deployment any 35Ls or has anyone made the switch to 35L before
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35L: Counterintelligence (CI) Agent

Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Posted >1 y ago
I literally just reclassed to it, and am leaving for CISAC in a few months. You have to get a 4187 signed off from your Battalion Commander, get a memorandum from your career counselor stating the need for a clearance. I think they rescinded the fact that you need a TS-SCI. So now it’s just a Secret to get into school. But get ahead of the game by filling out your SF86 online, and saving it. It’s a huge document, but I had it done in a few hours.
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>1 y
Good info cause I went on the army renenlistment page and tried clicking on the link for the home page and it wouldn’t let me go to it guess the internet here or whatever but now I can look up these documents and do them thanks!
Posted >1 y ago
If you log in to the IKN network and click on the CI recruiting link near the bottom you will see the process and that is where you start your application. There is a lot of good information in there that will answer most of your questions. Must have cac reader to access IKN.
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