Posted on Apr 10, 2017
PFC Justin DeLoatch
Does letter of recommendations help? I have my old 1sgt now SGM said he will write one for me and possibly my old CO who is now an O-4. I've been out since 2012 and the past UMCJ action I received I've felt being out and working the civilian job workforce, I've changed tremendously. Clean civilian record, laser off my neck tattoo to abide by new policy changes. Fulfilled my contract and ETS with honorable
Posted in these groups: Df4ce348 RecruiterUSAREC
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 12
LTC Self Employed
If you don't get in soon due to past try after you get an Associates or Bachelors Degree. I joined the ARNG at 31 and became a 2Lt at 33 years 9 months. They almost didn't let me in because admitted to smoking pot 4 times but I had a college degree and afterwards 8 years after I stopped and they finally let me in and I graduated basic training as the old Soldier but with one of the highest PT scores
PFC Justin DeLoatch
PFC Justin DeLoatch
>1 y
Thank you Maj Conway, currently working full time and school as well pursing a degree in the cyber security world. Thank you for your service, I've seen my fair share of older soldiers out PT some new ones.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
PFC Justin DeLoatch Letters of recommendation can only help. I am glad that you have a positive change. Good luck.
PFC Justin DeLoatch
PFC Justin DeLoatch
>1 y
Thank you for your feedback, its very much appreciated!!
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LTC Comptroller
If you are serious I can get you an answer, do you have a copy of your DD214 that you would be willing to share?
If so send it to me at [login to see]
I work in the largest recruiting BN in the army, we are always looking for NPS. Waivers are a possibility.
Letters Always help....unless the recommender uses boiler plate bland descriptions or is unqualified to recommend (no military service).
LTC Comptroller
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
NPS and PS (prior service).
PFC Justin DeLoatch
PFC Justin DeLoatch
>1 y
Sir, first and foremost you don't how much it means to me for you to review my infomation. I'll be more to willing to see anything that you will need or that will help the process. I will be sending over my member 4 here shortly to you. Thank you sincerely for responding and taking your time to look into this.
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